This Atom package allows you to compile and run C++ and C within the editor.
To compile C or C++, press F5 or right click the file in tree view and click Compile and Run
To compile C or C++ and attach the GNU Debugger, press F6 or right click the file in tree view and click Compile and Debug
This package relies on a C / C++ compiler (gcc).
The GNU Compiler Collection may come with your distribution. Run which gcc g++
to find out.
If that command does not output
you will need to install it.
For RHEL-based distros, run sudo dnf install gcc gcc-c++
For Debian-based distros, run sudo apt install gcc g++
For Arch-based distros, run sudo pacman -S gcc
You'll need to install MinGW and add it to your PATH.
You'll need to install XCode.
# to start, you must fork this project
git clone<your username>/atom-gpp-compiler.git
cd atom-gpp-compiler
rm -rf ~/.atom/packages/gpp-compiler
npm install # this will install developer dependencies (eslint)
apm link # this will create a symbolic link from this directory to ~/.atom/packages
git checkout -b my-changes # this will create a new branch, change `my-changes` to something else
# make your changes
npm test # this will eslint `index.js`, if this gives you any errors, fix them
# test your changes in Atom, because you ran `apm link`, this package will automatically load
git add .
git commit -m "added a feature"
git push
# go to<your username>/atom-gpp-compiler.git and click `Create Pull Request`