CodeIsHot is an innovative Neovim plugin designed to streamline the sharing of code snippets. Effortlessly share your selected code right from Neovim to your specified endpoint.
- Share code snippets directly from the visual mode in Neovim.
- Seamless integration with a custom API for sending and retrieving code snippets.
- User-friendly and lightweight.
- Neovim version 0.7.0 or higher
- plenary.nvim
Install CodeIsHot using your preferred package manager.
Using vim-plug:
Plug 'exifly/codeishot.nvim'
Plug 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim'
Using Lazy:
{ 'exifly/codeishot.nvim' }
Add the following to your Neovim configuration to set up the plugin:
-- Configuration options here
Example key binding in visual mode:
vim.keymap.set("v", "<C-S-l>", function()
-- Actions to perform when the keybinding is triggered
- Highlight the code in visual mode.
- Press your configured keybinding (e.g., ) to share the snippet.
- The plugin posts the snippet on CodeisHot and displays the snippet endpoint.
Contributions to Codeishot are welcome! Feel free to fork the repo and submit pull requests.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.