UI Redesign! New look and feel for the management side of Cyclotron
JSON Widget: New Widget which displays pretty-printed JSON data
Prometheus Data Source: New Data Source for connecting to Prometheus
Search: Additional advanced search terms, e.g. createdby:<user>
CacheEncryptedPassword: Add optional setting that stores the user's encrypted password in local memory after logging in, allowing Data Sources to authenticate using the credentials of the current user, rather than a hardcoded account (note: this is disabled by default)
"Likes" replaced with "Stars"
Numerous upgrades to the build pipeline, including Gulp 4.0, Karma 3.x, etc.
Bug Fixes
Sessions: restore sessions correctly when deeplinking to the /help page
Upgraded angular-ui-router to resolve issues where the entire site would reload on navigation changes
Breaking Changes
- Upgraded from Jade to Pug; renamed file extensions accordingly