SplicerAi Intelligent Document Analysis SDK Specially designed for native ANDROID from Extrieve.
SplicerAi is an intelligent document analysis SDK offering the following functionalities:
- Document Identification / Classification : Identification and categorization of documents.
- Document Data Extraction : Extraction of textual data from documents.
- Document Masking : Specific to Aadhaar documents, ensuring data privacy.
In SplicerAi, prior to any document analysis, an independent document object needs to be created using the AiDocument
class provided by the SplicerAi SDK.
//Creating a new document object.
AiDocument DocumentObject = new AiDocument(ImagePath);
//ImagePath - string type - path of document image
DocumentObject will generate with following properties :
- ID : Identifier for the unique document object.Can use for further reference.
- TYPE : Property to specefy the KYC document type (AADHAAR,PAN etc.).
- PATH : Physical path of the document image file.
- DATA : Text/character data will be identified and extract from image.
DocumentObject will be available with following Methods :
KYCDetect KYCDetect Method from DocumentObject will provide the type of the KYC document with the document analysis intelligence by SplicerAi.
//KYCDetect will use callback function to return the result. DocumentObject.KYCDetect(handleKYCDetectCallBack); function handleKYCDetectCallBack(resultJson) { //Use detect respose resultJson here } //Or use lambda DocumentObject.KYCDetect(resultJson -> { //Use detect respose resultJson here });
Once the document type identified same also will be available in the TYPE property of DocumentObject .Following is the response structure :
//Respose JSON data { DOCNAME: "<name/type of document>", Confidence: "<Level of accuracy /High>", predictedDocs: { //If any other documents detected, //Same will list out with the confidence level Aadhaar: "HIGH" }, //classification succes or not CLASSIFICATION: true/false, }
KYCExtract ExtractData Method from DocumentObject will provide the extracted data from the provided document in a JSON string format.
//KYCDetect will use callback function to return the result. DocumentObject.KYCExtract(handleKYCExtractCallBack); function handleKYCExtractCallBack(resultJson) { // Code to process the resultJson } //Or use lambda DocumentObject.KYCExtract(resultJson -> { //Detect respose });
Once the document data extracted, same will be available in the DATA property of DocumentObject.Following is the response structure :
{ DOCNAME: "AADHAAR", Confidence: "High", predictedDocs: { Aadhaar: "HIGH" }, CLASSIFICATION: true, //Extracted data from KYC document KEYVALUE: { NAME: "NAME", GENDER: "MALE", DOB: "16/09/1981", AADHAARNO: "2513 5077 5668", FILENAME: "" } }
GetKYCDocList GetKYCDocList Method from DocumentObject will provide the list of available KYC document.
//GetKYCDocList will return all the possible KYC document types. String KYCDOcList = DocumentObject.GetKYCDocList();
Following is a sample response structure :
KYCVerify KYCVerify Method from DocumentObject will verify the KYC document with the TYPE provided.
//KYCVerify will use callback function to return the result. DocumentObject.KYCVerify("PAN",handleKYCVerifytCallBack); *@param "Type of document to verify can get from GetKYCDocList Method". *@param "A callback method to capture the KYCVerification response". function handleKYCVerifyCallBack(resultJson) { //Process the resultJson } //Or use lambda function DocumentObject.KYCVerify("PAN",resultJson -> { //Detected response JSON });
Following is a sample response structure :
{ STATUS: true/false, //success/failure CONFIDENCE : "LOW/MEDIUM/HIGH" //if STATUS is success }
SplicerAi also provide an activity based class for AADHAAR MASKING.
//Create a new intent to call aadhaar masking activity.
Intent maskIntent = new Intent(this, Class.forName("com.extrieve.splicer.AadhaarMask"));
//Pass the ID of the document to be masked
//Set the config for Masking options
//Keep the extracted aadhaar number in respose.
Config.AadhaarMasking.ENABLE_AADHAAR_NO = true;
//Set the masking colour
Config.AadhaarMasking.MaskColor = Color.GRAY;
//Launch the activity.
//Activity launcher registration
ActivityResultLauncher<Intent> activityResultLauncher = registerForActivityResult(new ActivityResultContracts.StartActivityForResult(),result -> {
//Will get the masked image as a result of the intent
Intent data = result.getData();
//data Will contain repose JSON string
On AadhaarMask intent call, requires document id of previously created AiDocument Object. The respose data will be in following structure :
STATUS: true/false,
//Masking activity status
//Success or failure description
//Extracted data from KYC document
COUNT : "10",
//Number of masking done
AADHAAR_NO: "2513 5077 5668",
//Can enable & disable in config.
//Specify how the masking happened
FILE : "<File path of masked image>"
//eg : "/storage/files/Splicer/SP_20240122_183209.jpg"