Game manager API for the Istim Gaming Platform.
- Publish game
POST to game/create
- Edit game info
PUT to game/:id
- Remove game
DELETE to game/:id
- Like a game
POST to game/:id/like
- Get all available games
GET to game/
- Get a game
GET to game/:id
- Create achievements for a game
POST to achievement/create
- Edit achievements info
PUT to achievement/:id
- Remove achievement
DELETE to achievement/:id
- Get available achievements for a specific game
GET to game/:id/achievements
- Get all available achievements
GET to achievement/
- Get a achievment
GET to achievement/:id
- Authentication
var game = {
name: 'Joguim dos Leleks - Lesk\'s Origin',
description: 'Joguim dos Leleks, a origem das lelekagens',
releaseDate: new Date(),
publisher: 1,
likes: 0,
id: 1,
systemRequirements: "Um PC da Xuxa"
var achievement = {
title: 'Let\'s Lek',
decription: 'Domine o poder da zuera',
icon: '',
game: 5,
id: 1