Name | GitHub |
Alexandre Chiasera | @Chiasera |
Asma Gandour | @aasmaa11 |
Atreyi Srivastava | @atreyi1405 |
Haroun Guessous | @AaronQLF |
Mohammad Shaheer Bilal | @mohammadShaheerb |
ClimbSafe is an application for the small Himalayan country of Neptan. Our application allows the potential visitors to:
- Register as a member
- Book guides
- Book equipment
- Book equipment bundle
- Checkout and pay
The application also has a built in account for the admin with the following priveledges:
- Setup of climbing season every year
- Manage trips
- Manage members
- Manage guides
- Assign guides
- Manage equipment and equiment bundles
- Assign equipment and equipment bundles
- Manage payments
- At the end of the climbing season, all members and guides are removed from the application
This project follows the Model-View-Controller pattern, built by Gradle and is tested by Cucumber.