Mapping urban civil defense systems in Aarhus as a community science endeavour
cold war archaeology; feature monitoring; urban landscapes;
This module supports the mapping of urban civil defense systems in Aarhus and was created to facilitate course-related team-based outdoors activities by students of History, Cultural Data Science and Spatial Analytics and other courses taught by Adela Sobotkova or Rosanna Farbøl at Aarhus University. It is also available for use by other volunteers interested in public history and community science.
The module is downloadable from It contains a user guide and allows the user to register and sign-in, collect coordinates on civil defense features and document their morphology and condition with soft on-device validation requiring the completion of essential fields. User only sees the data s/he collected. Data from the module will be used upon verification to create a spatial dataset and support historical and spatial investigations of Cold War urban civil defenses.
This module was created by Adela Sobotkova by forking and adjusting an existing Community Mound Monitoring module developed in 2017 by Adela Sobotkova, Petra Hermankova , and Christian-Nassif Haynes at the FAIMS Project.
Development of this module was funded by Adela Sobotkova
May 2021
April 2021
FAIMS v2.6 (Android 7+)
This module is licensed under an international Creative Commons Licence (CC-BY-SA 4.0 International).
This module is part of the FAIMS Demo library on our publicly accessible Demo server ( See Instructions 101: How to access the Demo server. Note: you will need and Android device!
The module can be downloaded from this GitHub repository and reinstantiated on a FAIMS server, using the following Instructions 103: How to Deploy a module.
- coordinates from internal GPS
- hierarchical dropdowns
- controlled vocabularies
- picture galleries
- customised validation
- password protected login
- other feature recording
- arbitrary point data collection
- image capture with metadata
For more details about the Cold War Civil Defenses in Aarhus, please read [ ]. If you have any questions about the project, contact [email protected] .
If you have any questions about the module, please contact the FAIMS team at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.