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package consistency checker

Felix Dewaleyne edited this page Jul 2, 2014 · 14 revisions

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Usage info

Usage: [options]

This program will clone all erratas and packages from the source to the
destination as long as they are not already present in the destiation,
depending on which settings are used  REMEMBER TO BACKUP YOUR DATABASE

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         Enables debug output

  Connection options:
    Required options

    -H SATHOST, --host=SATHOST
                        hostname of the satellite to use, preferably a fqdn
    -l SATUSER, --login=SATUSER
                        User to connect to satellite
    -p SATPWD, --password=SATPWD
                        Password to connect to satellite

  General options:
    Can be used in all calls, are not required

                        Channel to populate with the packages that don't have
                        a path
    -A ARCH, --arch=ARCH
                        Architecture to use when creating the channel and
                        filtering packages. Defaults to x86_64 which accepts
                        64 and 32 bits packages

  Special action options:
    Use only one of those

    --keyid=KEYID       Focuses on all the packages signed by the keyid
                        provided. Only use if you know already what keyid to
                        remove - value to use changes from database to
    --nullkeyid         Focuses on all packages with no key id
                        Focuses on the packages with the same signature as
                        this package
                        Focuses on the packages with a path identical to the
                        entries in a file
    --nokeyassoc        Focuses on packages that don't have an entry in the
                        key association table
    --normal            Normal run - used by default if no special option is

important note: keyid is not the output of rpm -Kv but the ID for that key in the satellite, which isn't stored the same way it's displayed by rpm either. if you don't know the value but know a package signed with that key use --packageid instead ; --packageid will only work if there is a key association, otherwise use --nokeyassoc to select all packages with no key association

Practical usage

This script is intended at finding and gathering packages that have issues in the satellite db ; to continue from there the procedure is

  1. use the script to create channel(s)[multiple calls if different archs involved]
  2. at this point if you haven't taken a backup do it.
  3. remove by force the channels after checking that you're ok removing all these packages. (I recommend the customer to check if he has any question with the packages we're about to remove, which should by default be packages with no path and duplicates) - remove the channels using spacewalk-remove-channel --force -c CHANELLABEL when happy with the content of the channel to remove. add --justdb to not remove packages from your /var/satellite
  4. resync the RHEL channels first (important, not customs first) then any repository then custom channels. This helps especially when the satellite relies on another source than RHN for content.
  5. for cloned channels, re-sync their content from their parents (for exemple with spacewalk-clone-by-date or with the sync utility from the channel management pages)

Duplicate removal

$ python -H -l satadmin

most options are not required for a standard run - and the script should only be used while involved with the support for your satellite.

Note keyid is NOT the key id as outputed by rpm -Kv but ID pointing to the place where the full key is stored.

Removal of packages with a specific signature

That can be done for special scenarios with --packageid option. This usually involves packages signed with a key known to the satellite.

Removal of entries that have Null for signature

The --nullkeyid focuses on entries that have a NULL value for the key signature but are in the table of packages signed ; this is rare and may not be required.

Removal of packages that don't have a signature in the database

The option --nokeyassoc focuses on all entries that don't exist in the table listing the key ids. That may select packages from RHEL4 and under but also custom packages uploaded that have no signature.

When to use spacewalk-data-fsck instead

spacewalk-data-fsck should be used for situations where the paths are incorrect / Null. This script can only remove entries, spacewalk-data-fsck can do more.