Every single time a new team uses fEMR they have a ton of users to add and it's really annoying.
- Ruby
- Use accounts.csv.example file as an example
- Columns: Last,First,Email,Profession,Agency,Role,Role
- Profession and Agency get combined and loaded into the notes field
- Character Set: UTF-8
- Field delimiter: ,
- Do NOT quote values
- Do NOT include commas anywhere
- DO remove all headers. The column headers shouldn't exist. Only the rows of data.
- DO have a file named accounts.csv in the main directory when you run execute_users.sh
cd /path/to/femr-user-uploader
mv /path/to/accounts.csv .
./buy_cookies.rb -u admin -p admin -f cookies.txt -i http://localhost:9000
./cleanup.rb -f cookies.txt
- This has only been tested with perfect CSV files that fit the rules in the formatting section above. No idea what happens when SHTF
- execute_users.sh has the fEMR URI hard coded in. It needs to change based on your target