🖥️ I'm a discord bot developer, who have 5 years experience
I'm almost 21 years old a junior developer. I love coding and video games. I have 5 years experience and I'm doing this for fun.
If you want talk to me, you can contact me on discord.
🖥️ I'm a discord bot developer, who have 5 years experience
I'm almost 21 years old a junior developer. I love coding and video games. I have 5 years experience and I'm doing this for fun.
If you want talk to me, you can contact me on discord.
V13 Basit MongoDB ile çalışan invite bot.
HTML-CSS-JS ile yapılmış basit bir hesap makinesi.
JavaScript 2
Forked from Cross78/Cross-Register-Bot-V13
JavaScript 2
Forked from Cross78/Cross-Moderation-Bot
Cross v12 Mongoose Moderation
JavaScript 2