Releases: FESOM/fesom2
Releases · FESOM/fesom2
What's Changed
- kick out -nativ GCC compiler flag seems to cause trouble on other machines like levante by @patrickscholz in #684
- Workbench check4levante compiling by @patrickscholz in #685
- Fix/cav icb pointer by @ackerlar in #689
- kickout duplicated routine to compute the 3d vorticity by @patrickscholz in #643
Full Changelog: 2.6.6...2.6.7
What's Changed
- Fix Stale Issues by @pgierz in #677
- Update close_stale_issues.yml to ignore milestones by @JanStreffing in #678
- added fix for old meshes by @christian-stepanek in #682
- Workbench edit4juwels gnu compiler by @patrickscholz in #676
New Contributors
- @christian-stepanek made their first contribution in #682
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- just add some comments regarding the DVD surface boundary condition by @patrickscholz in #647
- Mark issues and PRs as stale after two years of inactivity. by @JanStreffing in #674
- reorder heatcontent index to fix NG5 segfault by @sebastianbeyer in #675
Full Changelog: 2.6.5...
Long term support for DestinE project.
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- with Sebastian we addec computation of snow and ice thickness over th… by @dsidoren in #658
- Small fixes for iceberg module, that allow compiling with intel debug flags by @koldunovn in #664
- Doc docker update by @koldunovn in #663
- Update requirements.txt with new sphinx version, remove unused and broken fortran autodoc by @JanStreffing in #667
- remove refactoring branch from getting_started.rst by @JanStreffing in #666
- Transient tracers bugfixed by @mbutzin in #659
- updated Juwels env file by @vasmue in #668
- Abort model cleanly in ifsinterface and standalone on errors by @suvarchal in #661
- IntelLLVM for icx compiler flags is added. by @ufukozkan in #670
- Double gyre setup by @alexwilms in #654
- Remove comma in write statements by @sebastianbeyer in #671
- fix order of isotope flxues when additionally using land ice by @ackerlar in #669
- Add missing close statement by @sebastianbeyer in #672
- Add DestinE phase2 heatcontent variable by @sebastianbeyer in #673
New Contributors
- @vasmue made their first contribution in #668
- @ufukozkan made their first contribution in #670
- @alexwilms made their first contribution in #654
Full Changelog: 2.6.4...2.6.5
What's Changed
- Feature/multio next by @stefaniereuter in #650
New Contributors
- @stefaniereuter made their first contribution in #650
Full Changelog: 2.6.3...2.6.4
What's Changed
- Improve error handling for open files for clock file and mesh file by @sebastianbeyer in #642
- Fix compilation on LUMI with cray 16.0.1 by @sebastianbeyer in #655
- Update io_meandata.F90 by @JanStreffing in #657
Full Changelog: 2.6.2...2.6.3
What's Changed
- change namelist.config.toy_soufflet by @patrickscholz in #641
- Fix/ibhf ocea ale tra by @ackerlar in #645
- Remove superfluous 'use MOD_PARSUP' from clock_init by @sebastianbeyer in #648
- Fix/wave erosion by @ackerlar in #649
Full Changelog: 2.6.1...2.6.2
Main Changes:
- #550 Scalar geometry description for oasis and yac
- #498 Multio support for FESOM standalone
- #465 Support for 3rd order Adams Bashford solver
- #489 Couple Iceberg model
- #576 Add active age tracers
- #587 Add netcdf compression for default output
- #597 Remove parms library
- #354 Add ugrid compliance for default output
- #613 Add ability to use fractions of JRA55 forcing cycle
- #497 Add split-explicit ssh solver
- #583 Add RECOM OBGC coupling
- #637 Ensure functionality of Icepack 1.2 coupling
New diagnostics
- #479 Add diagnostic for first moment of horizontal tracer fluxes
- #578 Add Discret Variance Decay (DVD) diagnostic
Complete list of changes
Milestone 2.6