- Business Modeling
- Requirements
- Architecture and design
- Implementation
- Test
- Configuration and Change management
- Project Management
The app aims to remove the need for attendees to use a third-party app to post questions, while giving a moderation team a platform to hilghlight the best questions and relay them to the speaker.
Lots of speakers in talks have a hard time managing the questions asked by the attendees and the presentation itself, wasting time that could be used to enrich the talk. Our application aims to solve that broken link by giving a platform for attendees to post their questions, where a moderation team will review, sort by relevance and redirect them to the speaker. Using our app, wasted time gets converted into productive time.
View/Sort Questions:
- Actor: Speaker.
- Description: Gives the speaker the option to view the questions asked and sort them by different parameters.
- Preconditions: In order to access the questions, the speaker must login into his account on the app and join the talk in question.
- Postconditions: If successful, the questions will be displayed on the speaker's screen.
- Normal Flow:
- The speaker chooses the parameters for sorting the questions;
- The questions are sorted and displayed on the screen.
- Alternative Flows and Exceptions:
- The speaker doesn't choose any parameters for sorting the questions;
- The sorting is done by the default parameters and are displayed on the screen.
Manage Questions:
Actor: Moderator.
Description: Allows the moderators to manage the question (edit, delete, etc) before redirecting them to speaker, so it allows better time management in talk.
Preconditions: In order to manage the question, the moderator must login into his account and join the talk in question.
Postconditions: In the end, the action chosen by the moderator is applied and updates the database accordingly.
Normal Flow:
- The moderator presses the button to delete a question;
- A confirmation prompt opens to verify the decision;
- If confirmed, the question is deleted, otherwise the action is cancelled and returns to the question page.
Alternative Flows and Exceptions:
- The moderator presses the button to edit a question;
- The edition page is opened, allowing the moderator to change multiple fields regarding the question;
- The moderator presses the save button, and all the changes are saved into the database;
- App returns to the question page with the changes applied.
- The moderator presses the button to edit a question;
- The edition page is opened, allowing the moderator to change multiple fields regarding the question;
- The moderator presses the return button;
- A prompt for verification opens to confirm the cancellation of the changes made;
- If confirmed, the changes are discarded and returns to the question page, otherwise it stays on the edition page.
Add Questions:
Actor: Moderator.
Description: Allows the moderator to also add his own questions.
Preconditions: In order to add the question, the moderator must login into his account and join the talk in question.
Postconditions: In the end, the question is added to the database.
Normal Flow:
- The moderator presses the button to add a question;
- The moderator types his question;
- The moderator presses the confirm button, and the question is added to the database and displayed on the question list.
Alternative Flows and Exceptions:
- The moderator presses the button to add a question;
- The moderator types his question;
- The moderator presses the cancel button;
- A confirmation prompt is opened to confirm the cancellation;
- If confirmed, the question is discarded and returns to the question list page, otherwise it stays on the page to add question.
Ban User from posting:
Actor: Moderator.
Description: Allows the moderator to ban a user from posting questions on the talk.
Preconditions: In order to ban a user, the moderator must login into his account and join the talk in question.
Postcondition: The user banned can't add new questions.
Normal Flow:
- The moderator selects a question
- The moderator opens question options
- The moderator bans a user
- The database will no longer accept questions from that user in the current talk
Alternative Flows and Exceptions:
- The moderator selects a question
- The moderator opens question options
- The moderator bans a user
- The user is a moderator
- Ban is not applied because they have the same 'rank'
- The moderator selects a question
- The moderator opens question options
- The user is already banned
- The ban has no effect
As a moderator, I would like to see all the questions asked in the talk, so that I am able to manage them.
Value: Must have
Effort: S
Scenario: Displaying a question
Given A list of questions
When I enter the page containing the list of questions
Then I should see the questions stored in the database
Scenario: Displaying questions without a selected talk
Given I haven't selected a talk
When I select the questionsList
Then The questionsList will display a warning message
As a moderator, I'd like to edit a question, so that I can make it more clear before redirecting it to the speaker.
Value: Must have
Effort: L
Scenario: Edit a question
Given A questionCard
When I click the EditQuestionButton
Then A questionEditor should appear on screen
Scenario: User deletes question's description
Given The questionEditor has been opened
And I remove the original question description
When I click the saveChangesButton
Then A warning should appear on screen
As a speaker, I would like to receive my questions in order of importance, so that I can use the talk time more effectively.
Value: Must have
Effort: M
Scenario: Sorting questions by rating
Given A list of questions
When I select to sort questions by rating
Then The questions with higher rating are displayed at the top
Scenario: Sorting an empty list of questions
Given A an empty question list
When I select the questionsList page
Then I shouldn't see the sortingButton on screen
As a moderator, I would like to see the most recent questions asked in a talk, so that I am able to be updated with the question flow.
Value:: Could have
Effort:: L
Scenario: Displaying the most recent questions
Given A list of questions
When I enter the home page in a talk
Then I should see the three most recent questions
As a moderator, I should be able to upload a question, so that the speaker is able to awnser my questions.
Value: Optional
Effort: S
Scenario: Upload a question
Given I have the PostQuestion page on screen
When I fill the question form
And I click the save button
Then I should have the new question on screen
As a User, I want to upload my Question so that it can be answered.
Value: Must have
Effort: XL
Scenario: Uploading my question
Given I am in a streaming platform
When I type my question
Then My question should be uploaded
And Appear in the app
As a moderator I should be able to create a new talk at a given date.
Value: Must have
Effort: M
Scenario: Create a new Talk
Given The I have the AddConferencePage on screen
When I fill the title and description forms
And I select an hour and a date
And I add some tags
When I click the Create button
Then I should have the new talk selected
As a moderator, I would like to focus on a specific talk, so that I am able to see its contents.
Value: Must have
Effort: M
Scenario: Focusing a talk
Given A list of talks
When I tap one of the talks
Then The screen is updated with the talk's content
As moderator I should be able to invite another moderator into one of my talks
Value: Must have
Effort: L
Given I have a an active Talk
And I have the TalkFullPage on screen
When I click the InviteMod button
Then I should see the invitePopup widget
When I fill the ModName textForm
And I click the Invite button
Then an invitation should have been sent
As moderator I should be able to accept invitations to talks sent by other moderators
Value: Must have
Effort: L
Given I have the acceptInvitesPage on screen
When I click the accept button
When I travel to the TalksPage
Then I should see the accepted talk
Our database is implemented in the no-sql model (JSON like) offered by Google's Cloud Firestore services.
We have two main collections:
- Moderators
- Conferences (analogous to talks)
Every moderator has, besides the attributes present in the UML, a collection of references to the conferences the moderator is in. This collection is represented as an association in the UML. Each moderator also has a collection of invites to other conferences, which save the conference he was invited to and who invited him.
Every conference has, besides the attributes present in the UML, a list of topics, represented as an aggregation and a collection of questions, represented as a composition.
Every question has, besides the attributes present in the UML, a collection of pairs of references to a moderator and their respective rating, represented as a composition in the UML.
Our project is structured under the MVC (Mode View Controller) model. Within the View, we structure our code following a Widget oriented perspective.
- Stubs for data stored in the databasefirebase
- Interface for authentication and database serviceswidgets
- Custom widgets used in multiple screens or with sufficient complexitypages
- Every page is individually represented hereroutes
- The various routes of the app and the animations between pagesthemes
- Theme data for the custom light and dark themedialog
- Dialogues used in the app (pop ups/modals)
Our project can be divided in the following parts:
- A Flutter app that runs on the moderator's smartphone.
- Google's Firebase Authentication and Cloud Firestore to store login and talk data.
- A server (or more) running a bot for Discord (or another platform) to automatically collect questions and add them to Firestore.
Among the numerous technologies available for mobile development, we chose to use Flutter as it provides easy to learn tools to build our app and abstracts the specifications for either android or IOS devices. Although React Native is also a viable choice, the general consensus that Flutter's documentation is superior lead us to choose the latter.
To store the needed data for our app, we considered if we wanted to host our own no-sql database or adopt a ready-to-use system such as Firebase. Thanks to Firebase's limited, but free data plan, their secure handling of user personal data and ease of integration with multiple services (our app and our bot(s)), it was the superior choice.
From all available streaming platforms, Youtube had by far the worst and ever-changing API, so that option would not be viable long-term. Although we could have used Twitch's API, due to time constraints and previous familiarity with Discord's API (and Discord.py), we opted for the latter, as many talks are also being held in private discord servers and our app could still function in such an environment.
To help on validating all the architectural, design and technological decisions made, we implemented a vertical prototype, a thin vertical slice of the system during the development of iteration 0 and 1, in which we developed a small app that implemented the user story View all Questions. This served as the prototype for the features that would be implemented further on.
- Added a page to list all questions
- Added a page to focus on a single question
- Added a page to edit a questions and locally save its changes
- Introduced Firebase database management
- Added a login page
- Added firebase login validation
- Added a main aplication drawer to facilitate page navigation
- Added "Current talk" page to access the event's information
- Added "Post Question" page
- Added "My talks" page to view all of the user's active talks
- Added "Create new talk" to add a new talk to the database
- Gherkin tests compatibility
- Major redesign of Questions
- Added sorting by Date, Rating, Author, Platform to QuestionsListPage
- Added ascending and descending sorting of questions
- Added new page for managing user invites to new events
- Added home page and improved UX by changing the navigation focus away from the drawer and into the more intuitive home screen
- Added firebase support for talk invitations
- Added light theme and dark theme
- Added profile page
- Added about page
- Implemented a new gherkin test for user login scenario
- Fixed bugs regarding widget states after data changes
- Moderator can now rate a question and change their previous ratings
- Implemented refresh for talk list, question list and invites pages
- Implemented periodic updates to guarantee lastest questions are shown on the Home Page
- Added discord bot integration
$$setTalk talkID
~ Sets the channel to track the given talk$$unsetTalk
~ Removes a talk previously bound to the channel$q question
~ Automatically adds the question to InquireScape (if used in a channel previously bound with $$setTalk)- All commands with the prefix $$ are for exclusive use by server members with admin level permissions
- Fixed bugs related to the app loading too fast and the firebase data hadn't been parsed obtained yet
- Implemented unit tests for talkCard
- Implemented unit tests for QuestionCard
- Implemented unit tests for Login Validators
Final version:
The features we chose to test are the following:
- Login feature
- Login field validators
- talk card widget
- Question card widget
Acceptance tests
Tested with flutter_gherkin package:
Widget tests
For each widget we tested if they were being displayed with the correct data:
Unit tests
For the validators we checked if they were validating emails as intended:
During the development of our project we followed all the GitHub conventions by using descriptive commit messages, tags, branches and issues.
To plan and manage our project we are using GitHub Projects.