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Productionize aggregation endpoint, see #HEA-659
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chrispreee committed Jan 28, 2025
1 parent da40467 commit 3eaf69a
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Showing 6 changed files with 522 additions and 248 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion apps/baseline/
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Expand Up @@ -1123,7 +1123,7 @@ class LivelihoodActivity(common_models.Model):
quantity_sold = models.PositiveIntegerField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name=_("Quantity Sold/Exchanged"))
quantity_other_uses = models.PositiveIntegerField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name=_("Quantity Other Uses"))
# Can normally be calculated / validated as `quantity_produced + quantity_purchased - quantity_sold - quantity_other_uses` # NOQA: E501
# but there are exceptions, such as MilkProduction, where there is also an amount used for ButterProduction, is this captured quantity_other_uses? # NOQA: E501
# but there are exceptions, such as MilkProduction which also stores MilkProduction.quantity_butter_production
quantity_consumed = models.PositiveIntegerField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name=_("Quantity Consumed"))

price = models.FloatField(
Expand Down
199 changes: 80 additions & 119 deletions apps/baseline/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
from django.db.models import Sum
from django.db.models import F, FloatField, Sum
from django.utils import translation
from rest_framework import fields as rest_framework_fields
from rest_framework import serializers
from rest_framework_gis.serializers import GeoFeatureModelSerializer

from common.fields import translation_fields
from metadata.models import LivelihoodStrategyType
from common.serializers import AggregatingSerializer

from .models import (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1472,28 +1471,78 @@ def get_wealth_group_label(self, obj):
return str(obj.wealth_group)

class DictQuerySetField(rest_framework_fields.SerializerMethodField):
def __init__(self, field_name=None, **kwargs):
self.field_name = field_name
class LivelihoodZoneBaselineReportSerializer(AggregatingSerializer):
There are two ‘levels’ of filter needed on this endpoint. The standard ones which are already on the LZB endpoint
filter the LZBs that are returned (eg, population range and wealth group). Let’s call them ‘global’ filters.
Everything needs filtering by wealth group or population, if those filters are active.
def to_representation(self, obj):
return self.parent.get_field(obj, self.field_name)
The data ‘slice’ strategy type and product filters do not remove LZBs from the results by themselves; they
only exclude values from the calculated slice statistics.
If a user selects Sorghum, that filters the kcals income for our slice. The kcals income for the slice is then
divided by the kcals income on the global set for the kcals income percent.
The global filters are identical to those already on the LZB endpoint (and will always be - it is sharing the
code). These are applied to the LZB, row and slice totals.
The slice filters are:
- slice_by_product (for multiple, repeat the parameter, eg, slice_by_product=R0&slice_by_product=B01). These
match any CPC code that starts with the value. (The client needs to convert the selected product to CPC.)
- slice_by_strategy_type - you can specify multiple, and you need to pass the code not the label (which could be
translated). (These are case-insensitive but otherwise must be an exact match.)
The slice is defined by matching any of the products, AND any of the strategy types (as opposed to OR).
Translated fields, eg, name, description, are rendered in the currently selected locale if possible. (Except
Country, which has different translations following ISO.) This can be selected in the UI or set using eg,
&language=pt which overrides the UI selection.
You select the fields you want using the &fields= parameter in the usual way. If you omit the fields parameter all
fields are returned. These are currently the same field list as the normal LZB endpoint, plus the aggregations,
called slice_sum_kcals_consumed, sum_kcals_consumed, kcals_consumed_percent, plus product CPC and product common
name translated. If you omit a field, the statistics for that field will be aggregated together.
The ordering code is also shared with the normal LZB endpoint, which uses the standard
&ordering= parameter. If none are specified, the results are sorted by the aggregations descending, ie,
biggest percentage first.
The strategy type codes are:
The product hierarchy can be retrieved from the classified product endpoint /api/classifiedproduct/.
You can then filter by any of the calculated fields. To do so, prefix the field name with min_ or max_.

class LivelihoodZoneBaselineReportSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = LivelihoodZoneBaseline
fields = (
Expand All @@ -1503,112 +1552,33 @@ class Meta:
"valid_to_date", # to display "is latest" / "is historic" in the UI for each ref yr

# For each of these aggregates the following calculation columns are added:
# (a) Total at the LZB level (filtered by population, wealth group, etc), eg, sum_kcals_consumed.
# (b) Total for the selected product/strategy type slice, eg, slice_sum_kcals_consumed.
# (c) The percentage the slice represents of the whole, eg, kcals_consumed_percent.
# Filters are automatically created, eg, min_kcals_consumed_percent and max_kcals_consumed_percent.
# If no ordering is specified by the FilterSet, the results are ordered by percent descending in the order here.
aggregates = {
"kcals_consumed": Sum,
"income": Sum,
"expenditure": Sum,
"percentage_kcals": Sum,
"kcal_income_sum": Sum(
+ F("livelihood_strategies__livelihoodactivity__quantity_produced")
* F("livelihood_strategies__product__kcals_per_unit"),

# For each of these pairs, a URL parameter is created "slice_{field}", eg, ?slice_product=
# They can appear zero, one or multiple times in the URL, and define a sub-slice of the row-level data.
# A slice includes activities with ANY of the products, AND, ANY of the strategy types.
# For example: (product=R0 OR product=L0) AND (strategy_type=MilkProd OR strategy_type=CropProd)
slice_fields = {
"product": "livelihood_strategies__product__cpc__istartswith",
"strategy_type": "livelihood_strategies__strategy_type__iexact",

livelihood_zone_name = DictQuerySetField("livelihood_zone_name")
source_organization_name = DictQuerySetField("source_organization_pk")
country_pk = DictQuerySetField("country_pk")
country_iso_en_name = DictQuerySetField("country_iso_en_name")
livelihoodzone_pk = DictQuerySetField("livelihoodzone_pk")
livelihood_strategy_pk = DictQuerySetField("livelihood_strategy_pk")
livelihood_activity_pk = DictQuerySetField("livelihood_activity_pk")
wealth_group_category_code = DictQuerySetField("wealth_group_category_code")
id = DictQuerySetField("id")
name = DictQuerySetField("name")
description = DictQuerySetField("description")
source_organization = DictQuerySetField("source_organization")
livelihood_zone = DictQuerySetField("livelihood_zone")
main_livelihood_category = DictQuerySetField("main_livelihood_category")
bss = DictQuerySetField("bss")
currency = DictQuerySetField("currency")
reference_year_start_date = DictQuerySetField("reference_year_start_date")
reference_year_end_date = DictQuerySetField("reference_year_end_date")
valid_from_date = DictQuerySetField("valid_from_date")
valid_to_date = DictQuerySetField("valid_to_date")
population_source = DictQuerySetField("population_source")
population_estimate = DictQuerySetField("population_estimate")
product_cpc = DictQuerySetField("product_cpc")
product_common_name = DictQuerySetField("product_common_name")
strategy_type = DictQuerySetField("strategy_type")

slice_sum_kcals_consumed = DictQuerySetField("slice_sum_kcals_consumed")
sum_kcals_consumed = DictQuerySetField("sum_kcals_consumed")
kcals_consumed_percent = DictQuerySetField("kcals_consumed_percent")

def get_fields(self):
User can specify fields= parameter to specify a field list, comma-delimited.
If the fields parameter is not passed or does not match fields, defaults to self.Meta.fields.
The aggregated fields self.aggregates are added regardless of user field selection.
field_list = "request" in self.context and self.context["request"].query_params.get("fields", None)
if not field_list:
return super().get_fields()

# User-provided list of fields
field_names = set(field_list.split(","))

# Add the aggregates that are always returned
for field_name, aggregate in self.aggregates.items():
field_names |= {
self.aggregate_field_name(field_name, aggregate),
self.slice_aggregate_field_name(field_name, aggregate),
self.slice_percent_field_name(field_name, aggregate),

# Add the ordering field if specified
ordering = self.context["request"].query_params.get("ordering")
if ordering:

# Remove any that don't match a field as a dict
return {k: v for k, v in super().get_fields().items() if k in field_names}

def get_field(self, obj, field_name):
Aggregated querysets are a list of dicts.
This is called by AggregatedQuerysetField to get the value from the row dict.
db_field = self.field_to_database_path(field_name)
value = obj.get(db_field, "")
# Get the readable, translated string from the choice key.
if field_name == "strategy_type" and value:
return dict(LivelihoodStrategyType.choices).get(value, value)
return value

def field_to_database_path(field_name):
language_code = translation.get_language()
Expand All @@ -1621,24 +1591,15 @@ def field_to_database_path(field_name):
"livelihood_activity_pk": "livelihood_strategies__livelihoodactivity__pk",
"wealth_group_category_code": "livelihood_strategies__livelihoodactivity__wealth_group__wealth_group_category__code", # NOQA: E501
"kcals_consumed": "livelihood_strategies__livelihoodactivity__kcals_consumed",
"income": "livelihood_strategies__livelihoodactivity__income",
"expenditure": "livelihood_strategies__livelihoodactivity__expenditure",
"percentage_kcals": "livelihood_strategies__livelihoodactivity__percentage_kcals",
"livelihood_zone_name": f"livelihood_zone__name_{language_code}",
"source_organization_pk": "source_organization__pk",
"source_organization_name": "source_organization__name",
"country_pk": "livelihood_zone__country__pk",
"country_iso_en_name": "livelihood_zone__country__iso_en_name",
"product_cpc": "livelihood_strategies__product",
"product_cpc": "livelihood_strategies__product__cpc",
"strategy_type": "livelihood_strategies__strategy_type",
"product_common_name": f"livelihood_strategies__product__common_name_{language_code}",
}.get(field_name, field_name)

def aggregate_field_name(field_name, aggregate):
return f"{}_{field_name}" # eg, sum_kcals_consumed

def slice_aggregate_field_name(field_name, aggregate):
return f"slice_{}_{field_name}" # eg, slice_sum_kcals_consumed

def slice_percent_field_name(field_name, aggregate):
return f"{field_name}_percent" # eg, kcals_consumed_percent

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