This git repository contains several FG aircraft as submodules. These Aircraft contain varying non GPL restricting licenses, including but not limited to Creative Commons, and No-Commercial Share alike.
Please verify the content of each aircraft for a LICENSE, COPYING file or similar that declares the license for the respective submodule, and follow its conditions.
If you desire to change the licensing clauses, I recommend you attempt contacting the copyright author(s) of the content and request a written authorization. Typically a lot can be gain by asking politely, but in certain circumstances, the author may be limited by preceding clauses, and thus the work may not be able to be licensed differently.
Most of these aircraft allocated with submodules allow copying, and redistribution; and also allow modifications. In these cases, the way that will be most likely compliant is if such modifications are transferred with identical licensing as inherited from the original work. Example, you are authorized to modify a CC-BY-SA (Share Alike), if the derivative work remains with identical or compatible clauses.
Avoid modifying any material that is licensed under no-derivative (ND) or similar clauses, that imply the copyright owner(s) do not authorizate the creation of derivative work
And surely. Have fun Flying
The primary repository is released under GPLv3 or later. You can copy/modify/redistribute it, but all modifications released by any public means must retain the GPLv3 (or later) licensing.
GPLv3 license only covers the primary repository, but does not extend to the submodules. Each Aircraft submodule is a restricted aircraft with a licensing condition different to GPL2 or GPL3. Verify the licensing conditions of the submodules individually. Do not update a submodule if you do not agree with its licensing conditions. Updating of the submodule is considered an implicit agreeing with such conditions. If you disagree with the licensing condition of any aircraft, follow the submodule removal instructions provided below.
This repository can be obtained as a submodule of FGDATA next with Submodules.
And therefore, Aircraft can be imported directly into FGDATA. The repository is located in the directory
To effectively isolate FGDATA Aircraft that are GPL (FGMEMBERS) from Aircraft with restrictive licenses (FGMEMBERS-NONGPL)
After cloning FGDATA next with submodules
git clone fgdata
In addition to the large collection of GPL submodules in Aircraft/ directory, you can prepare the Aircraft-restricted submodule to obtain restricted Aircraft
cd fgdata
git submodule init Aircraft-nonGPL
git submodule update Aircraft-nonGPL
After preparing the Aircraft-restricted submodule, you can now enter the directory Aircraft-restricted. You will see all restricted Aircraft directories now available, but these will be empty.
At this point you can initialize and update any restricted Aircraft as indicated below; keep in mind, that obtaining a restricted Aircraft is understood as an agreeing with the correspoding license. Look for COPYING or LICENSE file, and if you disagree, simply deinitialize the submodule to uninstall.
example initializing and installing the DavePack [Required for most Aircraft by Dave Culp]
cd Aircraft-nonGPL
git submodule init DavePack
git submodule update
You can initialize and install all restricted aircraft easily, as well
cd Aircraft-nonGPL
git submodule init # without a parameter initializes all subsubmodules
git submodule update # updates every submodule previously initialized
To deinstall an aircraft simply deinit a submodule
cd Aircraft-nonGPL
git submodule deinit DavePack
This repository can be used to manage the installation of one, many, or several restricted license aircrafts for flightgear
It can be cloned anywhere in your hard-drive, and flightgear can be pointed to this directory for additional aircraft (with the launchers, or the command line)
fgfs --fg-aircraft=$PATH_TO_FG-Aircraft-nonGPL
To clone the primary repository
git clone [email protected]:FGMEMBERS-RESTRICTED/FG-Aircraft-nonGPL.git
To initialize a submodule
cd FG-Aircraft-nonGPL
git submodule init DavePack
To update all initialized submodules (it does not install non-initialized submodules )
git submodule update
To update a given submodule
git submodule update DavePack
To update and initialize any submodule (one line)
git submodule update DavePack --initialize
To initialize all submodules
git submodule init
To install all submodules (one line)
git submodule update --init
You can de-install any of these aircraft (to release space on your hard-drive), or because you do not agree with its licensing conditions.
In fact you can install and deinstall any of these aircraft as many times as you consider convenient. And it is very easy to do so, with the submodules
To deinit a submodule
git submodule deinit DavePack
To remove a submodule after deinitialization
git submodule update DavePack
To remove/install all submodule initialized or de-initialized
git submodule update
to deinit all submodules
git submodule deinit
IAHM-COL :copyright: 2015