- Module Motor: CIM & VictorSPX
- The left joystick Y-axis controls the front and back of the robot.
- Turning is controlled by the X axis of the right stick.
- Module Motor: Neo & CANSparkMax
- Treat the left and right sides each as a Module
- Driving Motor: Neo & CANSparkMax
- Turning Motor: Neo & CANSparkMax
- Gyro: NavX2
- Build basic lib and IDashboard
- Write Swerve module program using OOP
- Use SlewRateLimiter to control acceleration
- Driving Motor: TalonFX
- Turning Motor: TalonFX
- Gyro: NavX2
- Build basic lib and IDashboard
- Write Swerve module program using OOP
- Use SlewRateLimiter to control acceleration
- Driving Motor: Vortex & CANSparkFlex
- Turning Motor: Vortex & CANSparkFlex
- Gyro: Pigion 2
- Almost the same as Neo swerve
- Not tested yet