Nanovision code developed during the 2022-23 season
Nanovision is a new concept for the team where we utilize the new Jetson Nano as a vision co-processor instead of Raspberry Pi. It is sligtly more expensive but tremendously more powerful as a processor and this can allow us to do more video /vision processing on the the robot.
The hardware for the Nanovision setup is the off-the-shelf JetsonNano baord, available for $99:
The Jetson Nano Development Kit
The NVIDIA website has a wealth of resources available for the boards and full access requires you sign up for a free account.
The baord requires a high-quality micro-SD card to be its "disk" storage and for that we use the following cards:
Given the extremely tough environment of living in an FRC robot we don't recommend skimping on the cards or other hardware parts or they may fail on you in a match.
In order to survive being part of an FRC robot you need to provide very solid, unwavering power to this co-processor and you have to do this by using the board as a "custom circuit". It should have 18 Guage power wires coming from a snap-breaker protected circuit to a local power regulator on the board. The power on a robot is a very messy environment and you need a steady 5VDC supply for the Jetson Nano. For this we use the following buck-boost regulator board from Pololu for about $15.
This allows the board to tolerate the huge power swings seen in a defensive robot power system. This can only supply about 15W of power to the Jetson Nano so you can't use its maximum capabilities without a beefier power supply.
One cool part of the JetsonNano is that it is hardware compatible with RaspberryPi Camera Modules and the clones out there. This gives you a really nice collection of MIPI based camera modules that you can choose from and flexibility to pick modules with different types of lenses for different situations. We use a wide-angle lens setup on the hardware MIPI camera port in our setups. We use the following basic drive camera on the MIPI camera port in our setup:
Jetson Nano / Raspberry Pi Wide Angle Camera
The JetsonNano can also work with any USB/UVC compatible camera modules and has 4x USB 3.0 ports for cameras or other things and it has the horsepower to capture, compress, process and transmit many video streams simultaneously.
We also recommend getting a development system for the desktop in addition to any systems you embed into your robot setup. For these there is an excellent desktop case that helps with experimentation and camera development in a nice, clean package:
The Jetson Nano is an Ubuntu based Linux machine running Linux on the ARMv8 or "64-bit ARM" architecture. Because of this it has an enormous and powerful collection of open-source software available for it. The details of software setup are included in our notes directory.
The Jetson Nano includes many specialized hardware "processing accelerators" that allow you to do more than just the main processor can do alone. These are accessed through libraries that support the open-source Gstreamer-1.0 system.
By using open-source and custom NVIDIA Gstreamer-1.0 plugins you can use tools to create video capture and processing pipelines on your JetsonNano setups.
Our first, basic setups for the JetsonNano are simply bash scripts that use gst-launch-1.0 to launch a gstreamer pipeline of software modules that take advantage of the hardware on the JetsonNano and capture, compress and transmit video to our driver station very efficiently.
GStreamer is also available for windows and we load GStreamer onto our driver station and have GStreamer scripts that allow us to view the streams from our JetsonNano in real-time.
We typically set up the systems with user and account based on the team name for an easy-to-remember ability to log into the Jetsons for development and maintenance.
We install the following packages beyond the JetPack 4.6 image. Note that an actual connection to the internet is required for this to work.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install screen emacs git nano python3-pip ipython3
Once you're done installing packages (which can take a while to get your system fully up-to-date). You can clean up the package manager state by running:
sudo apt-get autoremove
The Jetson JetPack 4.6 version ships with OpenCV 4.x and Python bindings. We install some additional packages that allow us to interact with FRC robot systems and to locate April tags in our code for the new marker system.
sudo -H pip3 install pynetworktables
sudo -H pip3 install apriltag
We can then use Python, OpenCV and the integration of OpenCV with Gstreamer to create python applications that create input (and output) gstreamer pipelines for capturing data from the primary MIPI camera or web cameras, then apply OpenCV vision processing and overlay drawing to the images in Python, and then send the results to the output pipelien to have it compressed by accelerated hardware and sent out for viewing.
The Python applications also make use of PyNetworkTables (The Python implementation of FRC Network Tables) allowing our vision programs to provide a Network Table interface to the main Robot Conrol program.
The NetworkTable interface allows us to have the operator select modes of cameras, switch between overlays and allows our vision code to send data to autonomy and operator assist commands.
The OpenCV shipped with the system image is very old and does not take advantage of CUDA processing on the Jetson. There is a process described on the website:
This describes how to set up and build newer versions of OpenCV that include CUDA hardware acceleration. This process takes a long time to run, but we follow it and install OpenCV 4.5.5 to get faster CV processing and access to the latest features of OpenCV in our code.
import numpy as np import cv2 from networktables import NetworkTables
capture_pipeline = "< big string with gstreamer input pipeline> ! videoconvert ! video/x-raw,format=(string)BGR ! appsink"
capture = cv2.VideoCapture(capture_pipeline)
output_pipeline = "appsrc ! videoconvert ! video/x-raw,format=(string)NV12 < big string with gstreamer output pipeline>"
output = cv2.VideoWriter(output_pipeline, cv2.CAP_GSTREAMER, 30, (640, 360))
if capture.isOpened() and output.isOpened(): print("Capture and output pipelines opened") else print("Problem creating pipelines...")
visionTable = NetworkTables.getTable("Vision")
while(True): # Capture a frame: ret, frame =
# Do image processing, etc. operations in OpenCV
# ...
# Draw onto the frame using OpenCV
cv2.line(frame, (320,0), (320,360), (50,100,0),2)
# Send frame to compression pipeline:
# Check network tables for commands or inputs...
# Send some data to the network table or read input from it.
# For example:
visionTable.setNumberArray("targetPos", [-1]))
mode = visionTable.getString("VisionMode", 'default')
WiFi must be turned off and disabled.
In the IPV4 settings for the first video server.
IP address = 10.<TE>.<AM>.3
netmask =
Ethernet connect to the robot when testing the cameras setup.
Note that all of your streaming video addresses and ports must conform to the FRC robot rules for robot networking.
You need to download and install the complete runtime version of gstreamer for Windows first. The video playback works by creating and configuring standard gstreamer video components. You can find gstreamer here:
To test that the Jetson is functional, first adjust the network settings, then:
1. Connect Jetson to robot ethernet (switch) and power from the PDP
2. Connect cameras to the Jetson (USB)
3. On a laptop (not DS), go to terminal and type ssh [email protected]
to connect to the JetsonNano to ensure it is working. The password is "team1073".
4. On the DS, go to "c:\gstreamer\1.0\x86_64\bin" from the home directory and run the following
(which can be copied from the windowsplay.bat files):
gst-launch-1.0 -v udpsrc port=5801 ! "application/x-rtp, media=(string)video, clock-rate=(int)90000, encoding-name=(string)H264, payload=(int)96" ! rtph264depay ! h264parse ! avdec_h264 ! timeoverlay ! autovideosink
5. If the pipeline runs, then drag windowsplay.bat and windowsplay2.bat to the UPPER RIGHT CORNER of the DS
screen. If it does not run, fix it, and then complete this step.
Go to users/team1073/FRCWorkspace/vision20. In the scripts folder there should be two files named "windowsplay" and "windowsplay2". Drag the two files onto the UPPER RIGHT CORNER of the desktop screen
Depending on the setup, the gstreamer pipeline may need to be modified. This will only be necessary if the type of camera changes, the video feedback is not correctly oriented, or if the resolution needs to be altered.
To run, double click on the programs while connected to the robot's radio. Ensure that the Jetson is properly wired and has stable ethernet connection.
Once your code is developed and tested, you'll want to set up the vision services to start automatically on the Jetson as part of your robot startup.
The autostart directory contains several files that are systemd service unit files. These need to be copied to:
sudo cp <service file> /etc/systemd/system
Now reload configurations:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
Now you enable the services you want enabled to auto-start:
sudo systemctl enable <service name>
You can then check on services using:
systemctl status <service name>
Note that the autostart files assume you are using user team1073 and that you have checked out the vision repository on the nano system at: /home/team1073/Projects/vision20
After making sure you have downloaded gstreamer, make sure you are connected to the robot.
ping <robot server name>
Now ssh into the Jetson Nano to ping the camera server:
ssh jetson@<robot server name>
Imput Jetson password: jetson
In a command prompt tab, open a local server on computer to run vision processing window:
./ windowsplay.bat
Run the AprilTag detection program:
python3 <laptop IvP4 adress>
You will need to make a copy of the changes made to python programs while connected to the robot and jetson nano. To copy these files onto your computer in order to upload them to GitHub:
cd <camera file>
scp jetson@<camera server name> : /<file source> .
Remember to commit these changes to GitHub after copying them onto your computer.