Find files and folders with SQL-like queries.
The tool is inspired by fselect.
In order to use the tool, import the function fsselect
and call it with an sql-like query. That's easy.
import { fsselect } from '';
const entries = await fsselect("select * from .");
name: "mod.ts",
isFile: true,
isDirectory: false,
isSymlink: false,
size: 141,
accessedAt: 2021-04-14T04:17:46.944Z,
createdAt: 2021-04-13T21:00:12.353Z,
modifiedAt: 2021-04-14T04:16:16.692Z
name: "tests",
isFile: false,
isDirectory: true,
isSymlink: false,
size: 0,
accessedAt: 2021-04-14T04:16:17.857Z,
createdAt: 2021-04-14T04:16:11.120Z,
modifiedAt: 2021-04-14T04:16:11.120Z
function fsselect(query: string): Promise<IDirEntry[]>
- select directory entries from a folder. The data returned as the array of objects.
export interface IDirEntry {
name?: string;
size?: number;
createdAt?: Date | null;
modifiedAt?: Date | null;
accessedAt?: Date | null;
isFile?: boolean;
isDirectory?: boolean;
isSymlink?: boolean;
The list of supported operators: >
, <
, =
, <>
, like
select * from .
select * from root
select * from root/sub-a
select * from root where size > 1000000
select * from root where isDirectory = true
select * from root where isFile <> false
select * from root where name = 'root.txt'
select * from root where name like '%.txt'