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Description: At the bottom of the chart, it is possible to dispay a legend with a description of each color. Use option legend to draw the legend (legend : true) or to hide the legend (legend : false).

Chart Type : all

Values : true or false

Default Value : false

Sample : legend : true.

See also: inGraphDataDisplay


Description: the size of the blocks in the legend is defined with option legendBlockSize (in pixels). Remark : the height of the block is equal to the value of option legendFontSize.

Chart Type : all

Values : any positive value.

Default Value : 15

Sample : legendBlockSize : 20.

See also: legendFontSize


Description: If you want to surround the block with a border, set option legendBorders to true.

Chart Type : all

Values : true or false

Default Value : true

Sample : legendBorders : true

See also: legendBordersColors, legendBordersWidth


Description: set the color of the borders surrounding the block with option legendBordersColor

Chart Type : all

Values : any valid color

Default Value : "#666"

Sample :

See also: legendBorders, legendBordersWidth


Description: set the style of the borders surrounding the block with option legendBordersStyle

Chart Type : all

Values : any predefined value or an array or a function

Default value : "solid"

Sample : legendBordersStyle : "dotted"

See also:legendBorders, legendBordersColor


Description: set the width of the borders surrounding the block with option legendBordersWidth

Chart Type : all

Values : any positive integer

Default Value : 1

Sample : legendBorderWidth : 3

See also:legendBorders, legendBordersColor


Description: By default, the legend of all datasets are displayed (default value for legendDrawEmptyData is true). If you don't want to display the legend when all data of a dataset are null of undefined, set option legendDrawEmptyData to false.

Chart Type : all

Values : true or false

Default Value : true

Sample : legendDrawEmptyData : false

See also:


Description: specify the color of the text in the legend

Chart Type : all

Values : any valid color

Default Value : "#666"

Sample : legendFontColor : “black”

See also: legend, legendFontSize, legendFontStyle, legendFontFamily


Description: specify the font of the text in the legend

Chart Type : all

Values : any valid font

Default Value : "'Arial'"

Sample :

See also: legend, legendFontSize, legendFontStyle, legendFontColor


Description: specify the size of the text in the legend

Chart Type : all

Values : any positive integer

Default Value : 12

Sample : legendFontSize : 10

See also: legend, legendFontStyle, legendFontFamily, legendFontColor


Description: specify the style of the text in the legend

Chart Type : all

Values : any valid font style

Default Value : “normal”

Sample : legendFontStyle : “italic”

See also: legend, legendFontSize, legendFontFamily, legendFontColor


Description: If you use the datasetFill:false option in line charts you may want to change the height of the legend color.

Chart Types: line

Values: integer (px)

Default value: datasetStrokeWidth

Sample: datasetStrokeWidth:10

See also: #68


Description: By default, the background color of the legend is transparent; With option legendFillColor, you can specify a color for the background of the legend. A color should be specified when the legend is displayed over the chart.

Chart Types: All

Values: : any color

Default value: "rgba(0,0,0,0)

Sample: legendFillColor : "white"

See also: legendPosY, legendPosY


Description: with legendPosX, you can specify a horizontal position for the legend; By default, the legend is displayed in the middle of the canvas (legendPosX=-2). With legendPosX, you can set the legend at another place.

Chart Types: All

Values: : -2, 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4

-2 : the legend is displayed at the center of the canvas; 0 : the legend is displayed at the left part of the canvas; 1 : the legend is displayed at the left part of the chart; 2 : the legend is displayed at the center of the chart; 3 : the legend is displayed at the right part of the chart; 4 : the legend is displayed at the right part of the canvas.

Default value: -2

Sample: legendPosX : 3

See also: legendXPadding, legendPosY, maxLegendCols


Description: with legendPosY, you can specify a vertical position for the legend; By default, the legend is displayed in the bottom of the canvas (legendPosY=4). With legendPosY, you can set the legend at another place.

Chart Types: All

Values: : 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4

0 : the legend is displayed at the top part of the canvas (between the chart and the subtitle); 1 : the legend is displayed at the top part of the chart; 2 : the legend is displayed at the center of the chart; 3 : the legend is displayed at the bottom part of the chart (over the X scales); 4 : the legend is displayed at the bottom part of the canvas (between the chart and the footnote).

Default value: 4

Sample: legendPosY : 2

See also: legendXPadding, legendPosY, maxLegendCols


Description: with legendWhenToDraw, you can specify when the legend has to be drawn during the animation. By default, when the legend is drawn inside the chart, the legend is always visible during the animation. If you want, you can change this. If you prefer to see the legend only when the animation is terminated, set option legendWhenToDraw to "last".

Chart Types: All

Values: : "all", "first", "last" or a number.

"all" : the legend is always visible during the animation; "last" : the legend is displayed when the animation is completed; "first" : the legend is displayed at the very beginning of the animation (but will directly be erased because ChartNew.js erase the chart at each iteration during the animation) ; So unless you know what you do, you should not set option legendWhenToDraw to this value. A number : the legend is displayed at the iteration "number" of the animation (but will directly be erased because ChartNew.js erase the chart at each iteration during the animation) ; So unless you know what you do, you should not set option legendWhenToDraw to a number.

Default value: "all"

Sample: legendWhenToDraw : "first"

See also: legendXPadding, legendPosY, maxLegendCols


Description: with legendPosX, you can specify a horizontal position for the legend; With legendXPadding, you can specify a displacement in point on the horizontal direction.

Chart Types: All

Values: any positive or negative integer

Default value: 0

Sample: legendXPadding : -10

See also: legendYPadding, legendPosX


Description: with legendPosY, you can specify a vertical position for the legend; With legendYPadding, you can specify a displacement in point on the vertical direction.

Chart Types: All

Values: any positive or negative integer

Default value: 0

Sample: legendYPadding : 10

See also: legendXPadding, legendPosY


Description: specify the maximum number of columns for the legend. ATTENTION : if legendPosY is not 0 or 4 and legendPosX is 0 or 4, maxLegendCols is not valid; In that case, use option maxLegendLines.

Chart Types: All

Values: any positive integer

Default value: 999

Sample: maxLegendCols : 1

See also: maxLegendLines


Description: specify the maximum number of lines for the legend. This option is only valid when legendPosY is not 0 or 4 and legendPosX is 0 or 4.

Chart Types: All

Values: any positive integer

Default value: 999

Sample: maxLegendLines : 1

See also: maxLegendCols


Description: If there is only one value in the legend, the legend is not displayed (in most of the case, poeple knows the signification of the unique displayed element in the chart). You can force the display of the legend even when there is only one value with option showSingleLegend.

Chart Types: All

Values: true or false

Default value: false

Sample: showSingleLegend : true

See also:

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