Mit dem Krieg in der Ukraine steht ein Stopp der Erdgaslieferungen aus Russland im Raum. Eine neue Web-Applikation ( des Forschungszentrums Jülich macht es nun möglich, die Folgen eines solchen – kompletten oder teilweisen – Embargos auf die deutschen Erdgasvorräte zu ermitteln.
In order to locally develop the application, install anaconda and run
pip install -r requirements.txt
afterwards activate the environment, move into the streamlit repository and start streamlit with:
streamlit run ./streamlit/
If you have docker and docker-compose installed, install the environment and dependencies by running:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up -d --build
Access the home app through:
- receive Eurostat data via API call
- receive daily storage level data via API call from AGSI, GIE
- Allow predefined minimum state of charge levels for the natural gas storages according to EU regulation (COM(2022) 135)
- Apply a dynamic start date for the demand reduction (starts today), the embargo (starts 4 weeks from today) and the increase of imports (starts 6 weeks from today)
- Option to increase pipeline imports from Norway, Algeria, and the UK
- Add caching functions to improve performance: Optimizations with the same inputs as a previous run can be loaded from cache.
- Fixed: No demand curtailment before the current date
- Add the possibility to add additional pipeline imports, e.g., from Norway
- Reduce also LNG imports from Russia with a starting embargo
- Change the merit order of curtailemt, with the industry first and export last
- First publice release