ConvAPI allows easy HTTP requests in Swift against REST-style APIs with JSON formatting by supporting codable bodies and promised responses.
ConvAPI (/kənˈveɪ-piː-aɪ/
) is a contraction of Convey (to carry, bring, or take from one place to another) and API (Application Programming Interface).
ConvAPI has the method
func request<T, U, E>(method: APIMethod,
baseURL: URL,
resource: String,
headers: [String: String]?,
params: [String: Any]?,
body: T?,
error: E.Type,
decorator: ((inout URLRequest) -> Void)?) -> Promise<U>
where T: Encodable, U: Decodable, E: (Error & Decodable)
at its core.
This method allows you to request a resource from an API specifying the
- method (e.g.
), - baseURL,
- resource URI (e.g.
), - http headers as a dictionary,
- query params as a dictionary,
- request body (any type that conforms to
), - an error struct (
) your API might respond with and, - a decorator to access/alter the
that gets fired underneath
and getting the response with a type (U
) conforming to Decodable
. All of the error handling (status code, empty response, etc.) and parsing is done for you.
Request a resource by specifying
struct User: Codable {
let id: Int
let name: String
let api = ConvAPI()
let baseURL = URL(string: "")!
firstly { () -> Promise<User> in
api.request(method: .GET, baseURL: baseURL, resource: "/users/1", error: ConvAPIError.self)
}.done { user in
print(user) // User(id: 1, name: "Leanne Graham")
If your API has an error JSON it is responsing with, just define your error response and hand it in:
struct MyAPIError: Error, Codable {
let code: Int
let message: String
firstly { () -> Promise<User> in
api.request(method: .GET, baseURL: baseURL, resource: "/users/1", error: MyAPIError.self)
}.done { user in
// [...]
}.catch { error in
switch error {
case let error as MyAPIError: print(error.code)
default: break // Request error, network down, etc.
pod 'ConvAPI'
This uses mxcl/PromiseKit as a dependency.