Remaps non-Fabric mods made for a different environment (by default obfuscated) to the current runtime mappings.
Provides hooks to expand the remapping process from other mods such as:
- Remapping mods from another folder than
- Providing additional libraries as context to improve remapping quality
- Providing additional mappings entry
- Pre and post ASM-like visitors for the remapping process
- Changing the package to which classes without one are automatically moved to
- After remap action
- Changing source namespace and mappings of mods to remap
This mod jar-in-jars:
- CursedMixinExtensions 1.0.0
- WFVAIO (What Fabric Variant Am I On) 1.1.0
- Legacy Fabric Logger API 1.0.4
- SpASM 0.2
- MixinExtras 0.2.1 for Fabric Loader 0.14 compatibility purpose only.
This mod shadows and relocates for internal usage:
- mapping-io 0.7.1
- tiny-remapper 0.11.0
- gson 2.2.4
This mod doesn't depend on a specific Minecraft version and should work on any version that Fabric Loader can launch.
- Fabricated Legacy Forge >=2.0
- Apron
- Fabricated Rift
- paulevsGitch's mod BetaLoader