python3 wrapper.py par/axion_fa_exp_-1d7.par fa-1.7 &
Compile and run Shoot + Solve using the input written in the parfile axion_fa_exp_-1d7.par
Create the file log_wrappy_${localtime}.py
where info on the run are printed. The output is
saved in the directory ./out/fa-1.7
. If the directory already exists, the program stops.
If axion-star (i.e. rho0c=0
), then create also a M(phic) plot: ./out/fa-1.7/existence_plot.png
For compiling the level-curver script, go in mass_curves/
and then execute:
ln -s Examples/AnalyticalExample.cpp
g++ -o example AnalyticalExample.cpp LevelCurves.cpp
This will produce a file out_example.txt
that contains a level curve.
To plot the result, you can open gnuplot
and use
plot 'out_example.txt' u 2:1 i 1 w l
You can check the result against the output of the Matlab
script LevelCurves.m
x_init = -0.6;
y_init = -0.30103;
start_direction = 2;
ds = 0.01;
maxpoints = 100;
onlySquares = 0;
saveGIF = 0;
LevelCurves(x_init, y_init, start_direction, ds, maxpoints, onlySquares, saveGIF)