ncnn_example: I promise i'll update this project forever! 20201024: 1.add retinaface keypoints 2.add visual studio scripts 20200806: 1.add insightface 106 landmarks 2.optimize the CMakeLists.txt 2020.03.10: 1.add mask detect code 2.optimize the name of retinaface 3.update ncnn lib version to newest: 20200226 2020.02.23: 1. add vulkan option 2. fix the network name of mobilenetssd 2020.02.22: 1. split the model files from the project 2. add classifier && add object detecter How to use? 1. download the models from baiduyun: baidu(code: w48b) and google 2. put models to directory: ncnn_example/data/models 3. compile the project: >> cd ncnn_example && mkdir build && cd build && make -j3 4. run the project: >> cd src && ./face && ./object && ./classifier 5. result face result: mask result: object result: classifier result: 6. TODO: optimize the speed by using block strategy add yolo add pose refactor the project 7. references