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FallenDev edited this page Jun 9, 2023 · 17 revisions

Zolian Community Wiki

The emulator is a pure C# .NET 7 implementation of the DOOMVAS v1. Welcome to the Wiki, to move around, please select a topic on the right sidebar.

These pages serve as a reference point for future and current developers, and collaborators. The scope is to encompass all tool-sets used within the environment. Walkthrough setup, and troubleshooting APIs for which the environment is dependent on.


This section is for anyone who wishes to start their own server using Zolian, or wishes to contribute to the current base. This will walk you through the tech stacks and help you setup the database required.

Development Setup

  1. Requirements
  2. Source
  3. Database
  4. Configuration
  5. Starting the server

Troubleshooting APIs

Contributors & Content Makers

This section is for content creators and contributors who wish to make quests, sprites, and maps. It walks through the correct ways to load palettes into Aseprite and Gimp. As well as teaching methods on how to animate sprites and incorporate them into dats.


Sprite Editing


This section is for anyone who wishes to learn and perhaps play with their own customization. This will walk you through the tech stacks and help you through those setups.

Development Setup

  1. Requirements
  2. Source
  3. Database
  4. Configuration
  5. Starting the server

Troubleshooting APIs

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