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Container metadata enrichment Plugin


Consider this plugin as experimental until it reaches version 1.0.0. By 'experimental' we mean that, although the plugin is functional and tested, it is currently in active development and may undergo changes in behavior as necessary, without prioritizing backward compatibility.


The container plugin enhances the Falco syscall source by providing additional information about container resources involved. You can find the comprehensive list of supported fields here.


The plugin itself reimplements all the container-related logic that was already present in libs under the form of a plugin, that can be attached to any source.
Moreover, it aims to fix issues present in the current implementation, trying to be as quick as possible to gather container metadata information, to avoid losing a single event metadata.


The container plugin implements the following capabilities:

  • capture listening -> to attach container_id foreign key to all pre-existing threadinfos, once they have been scraped from procfs by sinsp
  • extraction -> to extract container.X fields
  • parsing -> to parse async and container events (the latter for backward compatibility with existing scap files), and clone/fork/execve events to attach container_id foreign key to any threads
  • async -> to generate events with container information and dump current plugin cache state when requested

It requires 3.10.0 plugin API version.


The container plugin is split into 2 modules:

  • a C++ shared object that implements the 3 capabilities and holds the cache map <container_id,container_info>
  • a GO static library (linked inside the C++ shared object) that implements the worker logic to retrieve new containers' metadata leveraging existing SDKs

As soon as the plugin starts, the go-worker gets started as part of the async capability, passing to it plugin init config and a C++ callback to generate async events. Whenever the GO worker finds a new container, it immediately generates an async event through the aforementioned callback. The async event is then received by the C++ side as part of the parsing capability, and it enriches its own internal state cache. Every time a clone/fork/execve event gets parsed, we attach to its thread table entry the information about the container_id, extracted by looking at the cgroups field, in a foreign key. Once the extraction is requested for a thread, the container_id is then used as key to access our plugin's internal container metadata cache, and the requested infos extracted.

Note, however, that for some container engines, namely {bpm,lxc,libvirt_lcx}, we only support fetching generic info, ie: the container ID and the container type.
Given that there is no "listener" SDK to attach to, for these engines the async event is generated directly by the C++ code, as soon as the container ID is retrieved.

Plugin official name


Supported Fields

NAME TYPE ARG DESCRIPTION string None Container ID (first 12B).
container.full_id string None Container ID. string None Container name.
container.image string None Image name. string None Image ID.
container.type string None Type.
container.privileged bool None Privileged.
container.mounts string None Mounts.
container.mount string Idx or Key, Required Mount.
container.mount.source string Idx or Key, Required Mount Source.
container.mount.dest string Idx or Key, Required Mount Destination.
container.mount.mode string Idx or Key, Required Mount Mode.
container.mount.rdwr string Idx or Key, Required Mount Read/Write.
container.mount.propagation string Idx or Key, Required Mount Propagation.
container.image.repository string None Repository.
container.image.tag string None Image Tag.
container.image.digest string None Registry Digest.
container.healthcheck string None Health Check.
container.liveness_probe string None Liveness.
container.readiness_probe string None Readiness.
container.start_ts abstime None Container start.
container.duration reltime None Container duration.
container.ip string None Container IP.
container.cni.json string None Container's / pod's CNI result json.
container.host_pid bool None Host PID Namespace.
container.host_network bool None Host Network Namespace.
container.host_ipc bool None Host IPC Namespace.
container.label string Key, Required Container Label
container.labels string None Container Labels
proc.is_container_healthcheck bool None Process Is Container Healthcheck.
proc.is_container_liveness_probe bool None Process Is Container Liveness.
proc.is_container_readiness_probe bool None Process Is Container Readiness. string None Pod Name string None Namespace Name string None Legacy Pod ID
k8s.pod.uid string None Pod UID
k8s.pod.sandbox_id string None Pod / Sandbox ID (first 12 chars)
k8s.pod.full_sandbox_id string None Pod / Sandbox ID
k8s.pod.label string Key, Required Pod Label
k8s.pod.labels string None Pod Labels
k8s.pod.ip string None Pod Ip
k8s.pod.cni.json string None Pod CNI result json string None [Deprecated] Replication Controller Name string None [Deprecated] Replication Controller ID
k8s.rc.label string Key, Required [Deprecated] Replication Controller Label
k8s.rc.labels string None [Deprecated] Replication Controller Labels string None [Deprecated] Service Name string None [Deprecated] Service ID
k8s.svc.label string Key, Required [Deprecated] Service Label
k8s.svc.labels string None [Deprecated] Service Labels string None [Deprecated] Namespace ID
k8s.ns.label string Key, Required [Deprecated] Namespace Label
k8s.ns.labels string None [Deprecated] Namespace Labels string None [Deprecated] Replica Set Name string None [Deprecated] Replica Set ID string Key, Required [Deprecated] Replica Set Label string None [Deprecated] Replica Set Labels string None [Deprecated] Deployment Name string None [Deprecated] Deployment ID
k8s.deployment.label string Key, Required [Deprecated] Deployment Label
k8s.deployment.labels string None [Deprecated] Deployment Labels




Here's an example of configuration of falco.yaml:

  - name: container
    # path to the plugin .so file
      # verbosity level for the plugin logger
      verbosity: warning # (optional, default: info)
      label_max_len: 100 # (optional, default: 100; container labels larger than this won't be reported)
      with_size: false # (optional, default: false; whether to enable container size inspection, which is inherently slow)
          enabled: true
          sockets: ['/var/run/docker.sock']
          enabled: true
          sockets: ['/run/podman/podman.sock', '/run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock']
          enabled: true
          sockets: ['/run/containerd/containerd.sock']
          enabled: true
          sockets: ['/run/crio/crio.sock']
          enabled: false
          enabled: false
          enabled: false  

load_plugins: [container]

By default, all engines are enabled on default sockets:

  • Docker: /var/run/docker.sock
  • Podman: /run/podman/podman.sock for root, + /run/user/$uid/podman/podman.sock for each user in the system
  • Containerd: [/run/containerd/containerd.sock, /run/k3s/containerd/containerd.sock, /run/host-containerd/containerd.sock]
  • Cri: /run/crio/crio.sock


This plugin doesn't provide any custom rule, you can use the default Falco ruleset and add the necessary container fields. Note: leveraging latest plugin SDK features, the plugin itself will expose certain fields as suggested output fields:



This plugin requires Falco with version >= 0.40.0. Modify the falco.yaml with the configuration above and you are ready to go!

falco -c falco.yaml -r falco_rules.yaml

Local development

Build and test

Build the plugin on a fresh Ubuntu 22.04 machine:

sudo apt update -y
sudo apt install -y cmake build-essential autoconf libtool pkg-config
git clone
cd plugins/container

You can also run make exe from withing the go-worker folder to build a worker executable to test the go-worker implementation.