This is a collection of Shiny applications for model-based therapeutic drug monitoring. These are based on mapbayr for the maximum a posteriori Bayesian estimation of pharmacokinetic parameters.
Github let you the possibility to browse the code (see above), but not to see the applications in action, because a server is needed for running them.
Fortunately, if R is installed on your computer, you can run them locally!
First, make sure shiny, mrgsolve and mapbayr packages are installed on your computer.
Then, choose the application you want to run with runGitHub()
. For instance:
shiny::runGitHub("mapbayr-shiny", "FelicienLL", subdir = "901-carboplatin", ref = "main")
You can also clone or download the repository on your machine.
These applications are provided for illustrative purpose only! Although they may be based on models built from clinical data, they should not be used to directly to individualize doses of patients. These applications are distributed without any warantee.
Feel free to start from these examples instead of coding one from scratch. Contact us through the issue tracker of mapbayr for any question or suggestion !