This program is implemented in C++. Your input parameters must contains an inputfile and could contain a 2nd parameter to denote the input base and a 3rd parameter to denote the output base. The length of the sequence could be much bigger than long long long int. You cannot use built-in types to store these 2 sequences.
- Multiple input validity checks
- Character conversions
- Addition/subtraction handling
- Base conversions
- Leading zeros removal etc..
The base will be 2-36, which will be represented in your inputfile as 2-10 and A-Z(a-z). A represents 10, B represents 11, ... Z represents 36. The output will be digits and uppercase alphabets only, you could easily modified it to lowercase if you want.
- The lengths of 2 Sequences could be different.
- Sign handling.
" --inputFile inputfile \n"
" --inputBase input decimal btw 2-36 (optional) \n"
" --outputBase output decimal btw 2-36 (optional) \n";
inputFile 10 16
inputFile 2
inputFile 10 2
If Base 10: -147098694550647835620679717570878378783899165875780434014120749235398411979380429160987449599626877947229738863073
If Base 16: -F4AA088C573511C527C857A2C294D961E23AC06CD4DFDB59E5D38122C274B09BA46A09B982E652E02442A9AC0789E1
An interesting reference for base conversion algorithm: Hope it helps!