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Command Line Parameters
Riccardo Fellegara edited this page Mar 17, 2023
2 revisions
The following list of command shows the command lines parameters for using the implemented features in the Stellar library.
The same list can be obtained from the command line running the following command
./stellar_suite -v [kv] -q [application] -s -c -cp -cache [cache_value] -i [mesh_file] -debug -debugtime
-v [kv]
'kv' is the vertex bucketing threshold per leaf block. If a stellar hierarchy with that kv, and th
at indexes the input mesh exists, then we load the hierarchy in memory, otherwise, we build a bran
d new index with that threshold kv.
-q [application]
'application' can be: vt - vv - link - adjL/adjG/adjGP/adjLP - heL/heG - igL/igG - vrG/vrL/vrH/vrP
- validate - contractW/contractT - skel - fix
computes the VTop relations, keeping track of the net timings and/or of the auxiliary data struct
ure requirements (if debug mode is enabled).
computes the VV relations, keeping track of the net timings and/or of the auxiliary data structur
e requirements (if debug mode is enabled).
computes the links of vertices and edges in the mesh, keeping track of the net timings and/or of
the auxiliary data structure requirements (if debug mode is enabled).
adjL - adjG - adjGP - adjLP
generate the IA/IA* data structure. The available approaches are a global (G key), that explicitl
y encodes the topological data structure, and a local approach (L key), that just generate a loca
lly coherent data structure, that will be discarded after processing a leaf block. Both approaches
can be executed in parallel (P key)
heL - heG
computes the half edge data structure, using a local (L key) or a global (G key) approach. (imple
mented only for triangle and quad meshes).
igL - igG
computes the Incidence Graph (IG), using a local (L key) or a global (G key) approach.
vrG_eps - vrL_eps - vrH_eps - vrP_eps
generate a Vietoris-Rips complex, with maximum distance of two points 'eps', from the points of t
he initial complex. The procedure is splitted in two main operation: (1) the extraction of the nei
ghborhood graph and (2) the maximal cliques computation. We provide four strategies, that generate
the same output: a fully local strategy (L key), that computes the neighborhood graph and the max
imal cliques locally within each leaf block, a global strategy (G key), that computes, using the h
ierarchy, and stores globally the neighborhood graph and then, computes the maximal cliques using
a global procedure, an hibrid strategy (H key), that computes, using the hierarchy, and stores glo
bally the neighborhood graph and then, computes the maximal cliques locally within the hierarchy,
anda parallel strategy (P key), that computes, using the hierarchy, the neighborhood graph and sto
res globally the neighborhood graph and, then, computes in parallel the maximal cliques.
validate the input model. It checks the 0-connectness, the d-connecteness, the pseudo-manifoldnes
s and the link conditions. The link conditions is available only on triangle, quad and tetrahedral
meshes. In debug mode in the program prints a verbose output if singularities occur.
contractW - contractT
executes the edge-contraction operator allover the indexed complex. We provide two strategies: (1
) one based on the weak-link-condition operator (contractW key) and (2) based on the top-based lin
k condition operator (contractT key). If debug mode is enabled the procedure outputs also extra de
tails about times and memory peak.
computes the 1-skeleton, keeping track of the net timings and/or of the auxiliary data structure
requirements (if debug mode is enabled).
execute an experimental repair operation, that checks the presence of duplicated vertices, duplic
ated/degenerate top simplices/cells. As this feature is still experimental is available only on tr
iangle, tetrahedral and quad meshes.
computes the index statistics.
computes the number of sub-simplices in the imput mesh/soup.
specify that the current input mesh is a constant polytope CP mesh. This is mandatory if the input
file is an .off file representing a quad mesh.
-cache [cache_value]
updates the maximum cache size. 'cache_value' is an integer containing this value. NOTA: the cache
is not required by all applications.
-i [mesh_file]
reads the indexed mesh representation in 'mesh_file'. The supported formats are .ts (for tetrahedr
al meshes), .tri (for triangle meshes), .gmv (for non-pure non-manifold meshes), .sierp (for sierp
inski-based synthetic complexes), .off (for quad-meshes and arbitrary simplicial complexes), .hex
(for hexahedral meshes) and .soup for arbitrary soup of complexes.
enables the debugging mode.
enables the debugging timing mode.
./stellar_suite -v 20 -q adjGP -s -i mesh.ts
read the input file 'mesh.ts, containing a tetrahedral mesh. Then, it builds/load a stellar hierar
chy (based on the octree subdivision) with kv = 20. After it computes the index statistics (-s) an
d, finally, it extract the IA/IA* data structure following a global-parallel approach.
./stellar_suite -v 50 -q vt -i mesh.tri
read the input file 'mesh.tri, containing a triangle mesh. Then, it builds/load a stellar hierarch
y (based on the octree subdivision) with kv = 50. Finally, it extracts the local VTop relations fo
r all the vertices, outputting the net timings.