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Releases: FenPhoenix/AngelLoader


06 Jun 17:46
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  • Play Time hours are now always displayed again even if they're 0, for clarity


05 Jun 23:55
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  • Play Time was being displayed incorrectly when greater than 24 hours.
  • The Screenshots tab will no longer reset the selected screenshot to the latest one right before playing an FM.
  • Scanner was sometimes scanning script readmes when it should have ignored them entirely and scanned FM-related readmes only.
  • Fixed tab order in Settings -> Appearance.


  • Relaxed rtf header detection slightly - now matches the RichTextBox internal behavior.
  • Rtf parser can now handle arbitrary number of nested groups.
  • Improved rtf parser performance.
  • Various small accuracy improvements in rtf parser.
  • Scanner now converts non-ASCII dashes and quotes (smart quotes etc.) to ASCII equivalents, so as not to trip up search filtering.


23 Apr 00:45
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  • The scanner was no longer adding alternate titles.
  • Fixed regression: The vertical splitter would no longer cancel its resize when pressing Esc or when the window was deactivated.


07 Apr 07:19
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  • When the top tab area was empty, it would have a border whose size matched the area of the bottom tab area, even if the top tab area was a different size.
  • The Mods tab could cut off parts of its controls if shrunk too small.


26 Mar 03:44
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Features and improvements:

  • Per-FM play time is now tracked and displayed in the new Play Time column.
  • All date columns now sort descending on first click.
  • Progress box now widens if necessary to accomodate long strings (one less thing for localizers to worry about).


  • Greatly improved efficiency of filtering code.


  • If The Dark Mod was running an FM, and you clicked "Play" on another TDM FM, it would try to run the non-TDM FM installer code and fail with an error dialog.
  • When playing The Dark Mod without an FM, the stub comm file would still be written, even though TDM doesn't use it.
  • Fixed not-quite-correct logic for detecting if the OS supports dark themed title bars.
  • Fixed when two FMs have the exact same comment text and you switch between them, the Comment tab textbox vertical scroll position would not be reset back to the top. Unlikely to occur in real use but hey.


12 Mar 01:55
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  • Fixed regression: In dark mode, the FM tabs' menus and other dropdowns were still light themed.
  • Fixed: When the UI was disabled (eg. while scanning), and Follow System Theme was selected and the system theme changed from light to dark, the readme would get into a state where it was disabled and light themed, and would stay disabled permanently.


09 Mar 08:22
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Features and improvements:

  • Added a screenshot tab. If an FM is installed and has screenshots, you can view them, change their gamma, and copy them to the clipboard (in gamma-changed form).
  • Tabs can now be displayed at the top-right, bottom-right, or both. This is to allow better use of screen space in this era of widescreen and ultra-widescreen monitors.
  • Added tooltips for audio conversion settings checkboxes.


  • Dialog boxes were sometimes returning an "OK" result when closed by clicking their window's X button or by pressing Escape. They now return "Cancel" in this case.
  • Scanner error log message might say "fm is 7z" when it was actually rar.
  • Fixed a longstanding edge case when dragging tabs to change their order, if you dragged really fast it could sometimes mess up the tab order.


06 Feb 09:46
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Features and improvements:

  • Added in-app updater. You will be asked once if you want to enable checking for updates on startup. If update checking is enabled and an update is available, a button will appear in the top bar. If you disable update checking on startup, you can still check manually through the main menu.
  • Tooltips with lengthy text now stick around longer (as long as Windows allows, about 32 seconds).


  • When the path to AngelLoader contained non-ASCII characters, the game would be unable to load the stub, causing FMs not to load and possibly other issues.
  • Tab control scroll buttons are now themed correctly in dark mode.
  • When closing the app when the readme is fullscreen, the FMs list position is now also no longer lost.
  • Fixed a crash when the readme was fullscreened and the FMs list was refreshed.


11 Jan 19:59
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Features and improvements:

  • Added option to follow the system light/dark theme, and made it the default for new installs.
  • In dark mode, window title bars will now be themed dark when not focused instead of blinding white.
  • Added an alert message if AngelLoader doesn't have write access to the game directory, such as when it's in Program Files.


  • On first run, you will be given the option to import right away.
  • The import system has been completely overhauled. Many edge cases have been fixed, and reliability has been improved.
  • Rewrote the merging logic, greatly reducing the chance of an imported FM not being able to be matched up with its existing counterpart in the main list.
  • A backup of FMData.ini will now be made before importing.
  • DarkLoader import:
    • Performance improvement.
    • DarkLoader.ini is now read with the correct character encoding.
  • FMSel import:
    • Archives in subfolders are now merged into the list properly.
  • NewDarkLoader import:
    • NewDarkLoader.ini is now read with the correct character encoding.
    • Import now supports the multiple archive directory feature in newer NDL versions.


  • When entering and exiting readme fullscreen mode, the FMs list scroll position will no longer be lost.
  • Fixed missing separator above "Delete" in the FM context menu.


23 Dec 12:03
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Features and improvements:

-Improved title detector. It now detects "A Keeper of the Prophecies" instead of "KotP Campaign".


-NewDarkLoader import now caches its FM archive file list, increasing performance for large FM archive dirs, or FM archive dirs with many subfolders.


-Fixed several misbehaviors of the Mods tab when scrolled:
-If the mods list was scrolled any amount and then another FM was selected, the mods checkboxes would be positioned incorrectly
-The red background behind the important mods was not properly positioned when scrolled vertically
-The red background was also not drawn correctly when scrolled horizontally
-Fixed: The installed ("selected") TDM FM would lose its installed state after settings OK click (in certain instances) and after import.
-After years of pondering why the theme change in the Settings window was so slow, I figured it out: it was doing the theme change twice in a row. Fixed.