Add git information about your files when working with oil.nvim.
- Display the git status of your files in oil.nvim as if you had run
git status --short
. - Fine control over what highlights and icons to use for each type of status.
- Show status summaries on your statusline with lualine.nvim integration.
- Create keymaps to jump straight to files with a certain type of status.
- Very low impact on performance due to asynchronous processing.
- Neovim 0.10+
- oil.nvim
- Git
I have only tested this plugin with lazy.nvim, but I don't see a reason other plugin managers wouldn't work. If you run into any issues, please open an issue and I will attempt to resolve it.
-- I recommend not installing this a dependency of oil as it isn't required
-- until you open an oil buffer
ft = "oil",
opts = {},
---@module 'oil'
---@type oil.SetupOpts
opts = {
win_options = {
signcolumn = "yes:2",
statuscolumn = "",
-- Optional dependencies
dependencies = { { "echasnovski/mini.icons", opts = {} } },
-- dependencies = { "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons" }, -- use if prefer nvim-web-devicons
These are the default options for this plugin. They can be programmatically accessed through
; however, this table should not be modified.
local ogs = require("oil-git-signs")
local defaults = {
-- used to control whether statuses for the index should be displayed on a per entry basis
---@type fun(entry_name: string, index_status: oil_git_signs.GitStatus): boolean
show_index = function()
return true
-- used to control whether statuses for the working tree should be displayed on a per entry basis
---@type fun(entry_name: string, working_tree_status: oil_git_signs.GitStatus): boolean
show_working_tree = function()
return true
-- used to control whether `git status` should be run with `--ignored`
---@type fun(oil_dir: string): boolean
show_ignored = function()
return true
-- used to customize how ext marks are displayed for statuses in the index
---@type table<oil_git_signs.GitStatus, oil_git_signs.DisplayOption>
index = {
-- stylua: ignore start
[ogs.GitStatus.SUB_MOD_MODIFIED] = { icon = "m", hl_group = "OilGitSignsIndexSubModModified" },
[ogs.GitStatus.MODIFIED] = { icon = "M", hl_group = "OilGitSignsIndexModified" },
[ogs.GitStatus.UNMODIFIED] = { icon = " ", hl_group = "OilGitSignsIndexUnmodified" },
[ogs.GitStatus.TYPE_CHANGED] = { icon = "T", hl_group = "OilGitSignsIndexTypeChanged" },
[ogs.GitStatus.ADDED] = { icon = "A", hl_group = "OilGitSignsIndexAdded" },
[ogs.GitStatus.DELETED] = { icon = "D", hl_group = "OilGitSignsIndexDeleted" },
[ogs.GitStatus.RENAMED] = { icon = "R", hl_group = "OilGitSignsIndexRenamed" },
[ogs.GitStatus.COPIED] = { icon = "C", hl_group = "OilGitSignsIndexCopied" },
[ogs.GitStatus.UNMERGED] = { icon = "U", hl_group = "OilGitSignsIndexUnmerged" },
[ogs.GitStatus.UNTRACKED] = { icon = "?", hl_group = "OilGitSignsIndexUntracked" },
[ogs.GitStatus.IGNORED] = { icon = "!", hl_group = "OilGitSignsIndexIgnored" },
-- stylua: ignore end
-- used to customize how ext marks are displayed for statuses in the working tree
---@type table<oil_git_signs.GitStatus, oil_git_signs.DisplayOption>
working_tree = {
-- stylua: ignore start
[ogs.GitStatus.SUB_MOD_MODIFIED] = { icon = "m", hl_group = "OilGitSignsWorkingTreeSubModModified" },
[ogs.GitStatus.MODIFIED] = { icon = "M", hl_group = "OilGitSignsWorkingTreeModified" },
[ogs.GitStatus.UNMODIFIED] = { icon = " ", hl_group = "OilGitSignsWorkingTreeUnmodified" },
[ogs.GitStatus.TYPE_CHANGED] = { icon = "T", hl_group = "OilGitSignsWorkingTreeTypeChanged" },
[ogs.GitStatus.ADDED] = { icon = "A", hl_group = "OilGitSignsWorkingTreeAdded" },
[ogs.GitStatus.DELETED] = { icon = "D", hl_group = "OilGitSignsWorkingTreeDeleted" },
[ogs.GitStatus.RENAMED] = { icon = "R", hl_group = "OilGitSignsWorkingTreeRenamed" },
[ogs.GitStatus.COPIED] = { icon = "C", hl_group = "OilGitSignsWorkingTreeCopied" },
[ogs.GitStatus.UNMERGED] = { icon = "U", hl_group = "OilGitSignsWorkingTreeUnmerged" },
[ogs.GitStatus.UNTRACKED] = { icon = "?", hl_group = "OilGitSignsWorkingTreeUntracked" },
[ogs.GitStatus.IGNORED] = { icon = "!", hl_group = "OilGitSignsWorkingTreeIgnored" },
-- stylua: ignore end
-- used to determine the most important status to display in the case where a subdir has
-- multiple objects with unique statuses
---@type table<oil_git_signs.GitStatus, integer>
status_priority = {
-- stylua: ignore start
[ogs.GitStatus.UNMERGED] = 10,
[ogs.GitStatus.MODIFIED] = 9,
[ogs.GitStatus.SUB_MOD_MODIFIED] = 8,
[ogs.GitStatus.ADDED] = 7,
[ogs.GitStatus.DELETED] = 6,
[ogs.GitStatus.RENAMED] = 5,
[ogs.GitStatus.COPIED] = 4,
[ogs.GitStatus.TYPE_CHANGED] = 3,
[ogs.GitStatus.UNTRACKED] = 2,
[ogs.GitStatus.IGNORED] = 1,
[ogs.GitStatus.UNMODIFIED] = 0,
-- stylua: ignore end
-- used when creating the summary to determine how to count each status type
---@type table<oil_git_signs.GitStatus, "added"|"removed"|"modified"|nil>
status_classification = {
-- stylua: ignore start
[ogs.GitStatus.SUB_MOD_MODIFIED] = "modified",
[ogs.GitStatus.UNMERGED] = "modified",
[ogs.GitStatus.MODIFIED] = "modified",
[ogs.GitStatus.ADDED] = "added",
[ogs.GitStatus.DELETED] = "removed",
[ogs.GitStatus.RENAMED] = "modified",
[ogs.GitStatus.COPIED] = "added",
[ogs.GitStatus.TYPE_CHANGED] = "modified",
[ogs.GitStatus.UNTRACKED] = "added",
[ogs.GitStatus.UNMODIFIED] = nil,
[ogs.GitStatus.IGNORED] = nil,
-- stylua: ignore end
-- used to create buffer local keymaps when oil-git-signs attaches to a buffer
-- note: the buffer option will always be overwritten
---@type { [1]: string|string[], [2]: string, [3]: string|function, [4]: vim.keymap.set.Opts? }[]
keymaps = {},
Examples of some standard keymaps for jumping to changed files within the oil buffer.
ft = "oil",
opts = {
keymaps = {
if not vim.b.oil_git_signs_exists then
require("oil-git-signs").jump_to_status("up", -vim.v.count1)
{ desc = "Jump to first git status" },
if not vim.b.oil_git_signs_exists then
require("oil-git-signs").jump_to_status("down", -vim.v.count1)
{ desc = "Jump to last git status" },
if not vim.b.oil_git_signs_exists then
require("oil-git-signs").jump_to_status("up", vim.v.count1)
{ desc = "Jump to prev git status" },
if not vim.b.oil_git_signs_exists then
require("oil-git-signs").jump_to_status("down", vim.v.count1)
{ desc = "Jump to next git status" },
Improved integration with lualine to show git information in your statusline when in an oil buffer.
This plugin provides a lualine component for retrieving the index and/or the working_tree status as a summary similar to lualine's built-in diff component.
The component is called oil_git_signs_diff
and provides the following additional configuration
options from the standard (non-diff) lualine defaults.
oil_git_signs.LualineConfig: {
diff: {
index: ("added" | "modified" | "removed")[],
working_tree: ("added" | "modified" | "removed")[],
These arrays represent the values that will be taken from index/working tree to generate the summary. The default configuration includes added, modified, & removed from both the index and working tree.
To change what git status corresponds to what type in the summary, see status_classification
The following is an example configuration which makes use of this component.
dependencies = { "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons" },
opts = {
extensions = {
-- Make sure this overrides the default oil.nvim integration
sections = {
lualine_a = {
local buf_name = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf())
local adapter_url, path = require("oil.util").parse_url(buf_name)
assert(adapter_url ~= nil and path ~= nil, "invalid oil url")
local adapter_name = require("oil.config").adapters[adapter_url]
return ("%s: %s"):format(adapter_name:upper(), vim.fn.fnamemodify(path, ":~"))
lualine_b = {
---include working tree info only
-- { "oil_git_signs_diff", diff = { index = {} } },
---include index info only
-- { "oil_git_signs_diff", diff = { working_tree = {} }},
---include only added & modified
-- {
-- "oil_git_signs_diff",
-- diff = {
-- index = { "added", "modified" },
-- working_tree = { "added", "modified" },
-- },
-- },
lualine_x = {},
lualine_y = { "progress" },
lualine_z = { "location" },
filetypes = { "oil" },
Fixes issues that occur when hiding files that are ignored by git.
This fixes issues integrating this plugin when using 'Hide gitignored files and show git tracked hidden files'.
-- helper function to parse output
local function parse_output(proc)
local result = proc:wait()
local ret = {}
if result.code == 0 then
for line in vim.gsplit(result.stdout, "\n", { plain = true, trimempty = true }) do
-- Remove trailing slash
line = line:gsub("/$", "")
ret[line] = true
return ret
-- build git status cache
local function new_git_status()
return setmetatable({}, {
__index = function(self, key)
local ignore_proc = vim.system(
{ "git", "ls-files", "--ignored", "--exclude-standard", "--others", "--directory" },
{ cwd = key, text = true }
local tracked_proc = vim.system({ "git", "ls-tree", "HEAD", "--name-only" }, {
cwd = key,
text = true,
local ret = {
ignored = parse_output(ignore_proc),
tracked = parse_output(tracked_proc),
rawset(self, key, ret)
return ret
local git_status = new_git_status()
-- Clear git status cache on refresh
local refresh = require("oil.actions").refresh
local orig_refresh = refresh.callback
refresh.callback = function(...)
git_status = new_git_status()
-- Refresh git signs when toggling hidden
local toggle_hidden = require("oil.actions").toggle_hidden
local orig_toggle_hidden = toggle_hidden.callback
toggle_hidden.callback = function(...)
win_options = {
signcolumn = "yes:2",
statuscolumn = "",
view_options = {
is_hidden_file = function(name, bufnr)
local dir = require("oil").get_current_dir(bufnr)
if dir == nil or vim.fn.isdirectory(dir) == 0 then
return false
local is_dotfile = vim.startswith(name, ".") and name ~= ".."
-- if no local directory (e.g. for ssh connections), just hide dotfiles
if not dir then
return is_dotfile
-- dotfiles are considered hidden unless tracked
if is_dotfile then
return not git_status[dir].tracked[name]
-- Check if file is gitignored
return git_status[dir].ignored[name]
show_ignored = function()
return require("oil.config").view_options.show_hidden
Enum for each of the possible git statuses for git status --short
ogs.GitStatus: enum {
This is an array of all the enum values for each git statuses available.
ogs.AllStatuses: ogs.GitStatus[]
Jump to a numbered count of a given git status on files within oil.
When not specified a default count of 1 is used. Note that you may use negative indices to refer to the count-th occurrence from the last (e.g. -1 to get the last occurrence, -2 for the second last).
By default, this will jump to any status item however you may specify which ones to jump to for both
the index and the working tree. To do this you pass an array of the statuses you would like to
include to the statuses' table under either the index
or working_tree
ogs.jump_to_status: function(
direction: "up"|"down",
count: integer?,
statuses: {
index: ogs.GitStatus[],
working_tree: ogs.GitStatus[],
This is a readonly table that contains the default configuration options for this plugin. See Options for more details.
ogs.Config: {
show_index: function(entry_name: string, index_status: ogs.GitStatus): boolean,
show_working_tree: function(entry_name: string, index_status: ogs.GitStatus): boolean,
show_ignored: function(oil_dir: string): boolean,
index: table<ogs.GitStatus, { icon: string, hl_group: string }>,
working_tree: table<ogs.GitStatus, { icon: string, hl_group: string }>,
status_priority: table<ogs.GitStatus, integer>,
status_classification: table<ogs.GitStatus, "added"|"removed"|"modified"|nil>,
keymaps: { [1]: string|string[], [2]: string, [3]: string|function, [4]: vim.keymap.set.Opts? }[]
This is the table that contains the current user configuration for this plugin.
ogs.Config: {
show_index: function(entry_name: string, index_status: ogs.GitStatus): boolean,
show_working_tree: function(entry_name: string, index_status: ogs.GitStatus): boolean,
show_ignored: function(oil_dir: string): boolean,
index: table<ogs.GitStatus, { icon: string, hl_group: string }>,
working_tree: table<ogs.GitStatus, { icon: string, hl_group: string }>,
status_priority: table<ogs.GitStatus, integer>,
status_classification: table<ogs.GitStatus, "added"|"removed"|"modified"|nil>,
keymaps: { [1]: string|string[], [2]: string, [3]: string|function, [4]: vim.keymap.set.Opts? }[]
This is the function that sets up this plugin. It must be called for it to work. If no options are passed the default configuration will be used. See Options for more details.
ogs.setup: function(opts: Config?)
This is a readonly buffer attribute that identifies when oil-git-signs is active in a given oil buffer.
vim.b.oil_git_signs_exists: boolean
This is a readonly buffer attribute that contains a table with a summary of the git status for the current oil buffer. This is useful if for example you want to show the number of git changes in your status line. See Lualine Integration for an example.
vim.b.oil_git_signs_summary: {
working_tree = {
added: integer,
removed: integer,
modified: integer,
index = {
added: integer,
removed: integer,
modified: integer,
This is a readonly array which maps the one indexed line number of each line in an oil buffer to
the git status of that object. Each line will either give a string of length two where the first
character is the index status and the second character is the working tree status, or vim.NIL
vim.b.oil_git_signs_jump_list: (string|vim.NIL)[]
These are the default highlight and icons configurations which can all be customized. See Options.
Default Icon | Default Link | Index Highlight Group | Working Tree Highlight Group |
Normal |
OilGitSignsIndexUnmodified |
OilGitSignsWorkingTreeUnmodified |
m |
OilChange |
OilGitSignsIndexSubModModified |
OilGitSignsWorkingTreeSubModModified |
M |
OilChange |
OilGitSignsIndexModified |
OilGitSignsWorkingTreeModified |
T |
OilChange |
OilGitSignsIndexTypeChanged |
OilGitSignsWorkingTreeTypeChanged |
A |
OilCreate |
OilGitSignsIndexAdded |
OilGitSignsWorkingTreeAdded |
D |
OilDelete |
OilGitSignsIndexDeleted |
OilGitSignsWorkingTreeDeleted |
R |
OilMove |
OilGitSignsIndexRenamed |
OilGitSignsWorkingTreeRenamed |
C |
OilCopy |
OilGitSignsIndexCopied |
OilGitSignsWorkingTreeCopied |
U |
OilChange |
OilGitSignsIndexUnmerged |
OilGitSignsWorkingTreeUnmerged |
? |
OilCreate |
OilGitSignsIndexUntracked |
OilGitSignsWorkingTreeUntracked |
! |
NonText |
OilGitSignsIndexIgnored |
OilGitSignsWorkingTreeIgnored |
If you run into any issues with this plugin please do the following:
- Are using the latest commit on the main branch of this plugin and oil.nvim.
- Are using a recent version of Git.
- Are using a recent version of Neovim.
- Have checked for any existing/duplicate issues.
When creating an issue please include the following:
- oil-git-signs.nvim version/commit (check your package manager)
- oil.nvim version/commit (check your package manager)
- git version (
git --version
) - neovim version (
nvim --version
) - a
and any neccessary steps to reproduce the issue (optional, see lazy.nvim repro.lua)
If you have any ideas for features or improvements for this plugin feel free to open an issue or pull request. I will definitely look at adding it.