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KnutAM committed Oct 16, 2023
2 parents b508556 + fe44e7f commit 3805c6c
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Showing 9 changed files with 124 additions and 33 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/devdocs/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ Ferrite.shape_gradient(::Interpolation, ::Vec, ::Int)

### Required methods to implement for all subtypes of `Interpolation` to define a new finite element
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/src/reference/
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Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ SubDofHandler
## Adding fields to the DofHandlers
add!(::DofHandler, ::Symbol, ::Interpolation)
add!(::SubDofHandler, ::Symbol, ::Interpolation)

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60 changes: 51 additions & 9 deletions src/Dofs/DofHandler.jl
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Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ Access some grid representation for the dof handler.

struct SubDofHandler{DH} <: AbstractDofHandler
# From constructor
Expand All @@ -26,8 +25,36 @@ struct SubDofHandler{DH} <: AbstractDofHandler
# const dof_ranges::Vector{UnitRange{Int}} # TODO: Why not?

# TODO: Should be an inner constructor.
SubDofHandler(dh::AbstractDofHandler, cellset::Set{Int})
Create an `sdh::SubDofHandler` from the parent `dh`, pertaining to the
cells in `cellset`. This allows you to add fields to parts of the domain, or using
different interpolations or cell types (e.g. `Triangles` and `Quadrilaterals`). All
fields and cell types must be the same in one `SubDofHandler`.
After construction any number of discrete fields can be added to the SubDofHandler using
[`add!`](@ref). Construction is finalized by calling [`close!`](@ref) on the parent `dh`.
# Examples
We assume we have a `grid` containing "Triangle" and "Quadrilateral" cells,
including the cellsets "triangles" and "quadilaterals" for to these cells.
dh = DofHandler(grid)
sdh_tri = SubDofHandler(dh, getcellset(grid, "triangles"))
ip_tri = Lagrange{RefTriangle, 2}()^2 # vector interpolation for a field u
add!(sdh_tri, :u, ip_tri)
sdh_quad = SubDofHandler(dh, getcellset(grid, "quadilaterals"))
ip_quad = Lagrange{RefQuadrilateral, 2}()^2 # vector interpolation for a field u
add!(sdh_quad, :u, ip_quad)
close!(dh) # Finalize by closing the parent
function SubDofHandler(dh::DH, cellset) where {DH <: AbstractDofHandler}
# TODO: Should be an inner constructor.
isclosed(dh) && error("DofHandler already closed")
# Compute the celltype and make sure all elements have the same one
CT = getcelltype(dh.grid, first(cellset))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -66,13 +93,6 @@ function _print_field_information(io::IO, mime::MIME"text/plain", sdh::SubDofHan

Construct a `DofHandler` based on `grid`. Supports:
- `Grid`s with or without concrete element type (E.g. "mixed" grids with several different element types.)
- One or several fields, which can live on the whole domain or on subsets of the `Grid`.
struct DofHandler{dim,G<:AbstractGrid{dim}} <: AbstractDofHandler
subdofhandlers::Vector{SubDofHandler{DofHandler{dim, G}}}
Expand All @@ -86,6 +106,28 @@ struct DofHandler{dim,G<:AbstractGrid{dim}} <: AbstractDofHandler

Construct a `DofHandler` based on the grid `grid`.
After construction any number of discrete fields can be added to the DofHandler using
[`add!`](@ref). Construction is finalized by calling [`close!`](@ref).
By default fields are added to all elements of the grid. Refer to [`SubDofHandler`](@ref)
for restricting fields to subdomains of the grid.
# Examples
dh = DofHandler(grid)
ip_u = Lagrange{RefTriangle, 2}()^2 # vector interpolation for a field u
ip_p = Lagrange{RefTriangle, 1}() # scalar interpolation for a field p
add!(dh, :u, ip_u)
add!(dh, :p, ip_p)
function DofHandler(grid::G) where {dim, G <: AbstractGrid{dim}}
ncells = getncells(grid)
sdhs = SubDofHandler{DofHandler{dim, G}}[]
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5 changes: 1 addition & 4 deletions src/FEValues/FunctionValues.jl
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Expand Up @@ -71,11 +71,8 @@ function Base.copy(v::FunctionValues)

function precompute_values!(fv::FunctionValues, qr::QuadratureRule)
n_shape = getnbasefunctions(fv.ip)
for (qp, ξ) in pairs(getpoints(qr))
for i in 1:n_shape
fv.dNdξ[i, qp], fv.N_ξ[i, qp] = shape_gradient_and_value(fv.ip, ξ, i)
shape_gradients_and_values!(@view(fv.dNdξ[:, qp]), @view(fv.N[:, qp]), fv.ip, ξ)

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40 changes: 25 additions & 15 deletions src/FEValues/GeometryMapping.jl
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Expand Up @@ -50,28 +50,38 @@ function GeometryMapping(::Type{T}, ip::ScalarInterpolation, qr::QuadratureRule,
VT = Vec{getdim(ip),T}
M = zeros(T, n_shape, n_qpoints)
dMdξ = zeros(VT, n_shape, n_qpoints)
if RH
HT = Tensor{2,getdim(ip),T}
dM2dξ2 = zeros(HT, n_shape, n_qpoints)
dM2dξ2 = nothing
for (qp, ξ) in pairs(getpoints(qr))
for i in 1:n_shape
if RH
dM2dξ2[i, qp], dMdξ[i, qp], M[i, qp] = shape_hessian_gradient_and_value(ip, ξ, i)
dMdξ[i, qp], M[i, qp] = shape_gradient_and_value(ip, ξ, i)

# Hessian (if needed, else nothing)
HT = Tensor{2,getdim(ip),T}
dM2dξ2 = RH ? zeros(HT, n_shape, n_qpoints) : nothing

geo_mapping = GeometryMapping(ip, M, dMdξ, dM2dξ2)
precompute_values!(geo_mapping, qr)
return GeometryMapping(ip, M, dMdξ, dM2dξ2)
function Base.copy(v::GeometryMapping)
d2Mdξ2_copy = v.d2Mdξ2 === nothing ? nothing : copy(v.d2Mdξ2)
return GeometryMapping(copy(v.ip), copy(v.M), copy(v.dMdξ), d2Mdξ2_copy)

precompute_values!(gm::GeometryMapping, qr::QuadratureRule) = precompute_values!(gm, RequiresHessian(gm), qr)

function precompute_values!(gm::GeometryMapping, ::RequiresHessian{false}, qr::QuadratureRule)
ip = get_geometric_interpolation(gm)
for (qp, ξ) in pairs(getpoints(qr))
shape_gradients_and_values!(@view(gm.dMdξ[:, qp]), @view(gm.M[:, qp]), ip, ξ)

function precompute_values!(gm::GeometryMapping, ::RequiresHessian{true}, qr::QuadratureRule)
ip = get_geometric_interpolation(gm)
for (qp, ξ) in pairs(getpoints(qr))
for i in 1:getngeobasefunctions(gm)
gm.dM2dξ2[i, qp], gm.dMdξ[i, qp], gm.M[i, qp] = shape_hessian_gradient_and_value(ip, ξ, i)

getngeobasefunctions(geo_mapping::GeometryMapping) = size(geo_mapping.M, 1)
@propagate_inbounds geometric_value(geo_mapping::GeometryMapping, q_point::Int, base_func::Int) = geo_mapping.M[base_func, q_point]
get_geometric_interpolation(geo_mapping::GeometryMapping) = geo_mapping.ip
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/PointEval/PointEvalHandler.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ function find_local_coordinate(interpolation, cell_coordinates::Vector{V}, globa
for _ in 1:max_iters
global_guess = zero(V)
J = zero(Tensor{2, dim, T})
# TODO batched eval after 764 is merged.
for j in 1:n_basefuncs
dNdξ, N = shape_gradient_and_value(interpolation, local_guess, j)
global_guess += N * cell_coordinates[j]
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5 changes: 1 addition & 4 deletions src/PointEval/point_values.jl
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Expand Up @@ -91,10 +91,7 @@ shape_value(pv::PointValuesInternal, qp::Int, i::Int) = (@assert qp == 1; pv.N[i

# allow on-the-fly updating
function reinit!(pv::PointValuesInternal{IP}, coord::Vec{dim}) where {dim, shape <: AbstractRefShape{dim}, IP <: Interpolation{shape}}
n_func_basefuncs = getnbasefunctions(pv.ip)
for i in 1:n_func_basefuncs
pv.N[i] = shape_value(pv.ip, coord, i)
shape_values!(pv.N, pv.ip, coord)
return nothing

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40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions src/interpolations.jl
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Expand Up @@ -203,6 +203,46 @@ getnbasefunctions(::Interpolation)
# edgedof: dof on a line between 2 vertices (i.e. "corners") (3D only)
# celldof: dof that is local to the element

shape_values!(values::AbstractArray{T}, ip::Interpolation, ξ::Vec)
Evaluate all shape functions of `ip` at once at the reference point `ξ` and store them in
@propagate_inbounds function shape_values!(values::AT, ip::IP, ξ::Vec) where {IP <: Interpolation, AT <: AbstractArray}
@boundscheck checkbounds(values, 1:getnbasefunctions(ip))
@inbounds for i in 1:getnbasefunctions(ip)
values[i] = shape_value(ip, ξ, i)

shape_gradients!(gradients::AbstractArray, ip::Interpolation, ξ::Vec)
Evaluate all shape function gradients of `ip` at once at the reference point `ξ` and store
them in `gradients`.
function shape_gradients!(gradients::AT, ip::IP, ξ::Vec) where {IP <: Interpolation, AT <: AbstractArray}
@boundscheck checkbounds(gradients, 1:getnbasefunctions(ip))
@inbounds for i in 1:getnbasefunctions(ip)
gradients[i] = shape_gradient(ip, ξ, i)

shape_gradients_and_values!(gradients::AbstractArray, values::AbstractArray, ip::Interpolation, ξ::Vec)
Evaluate all shape function gradients and values of `ip` at once at the reference point `ξ`
and store them in `values`.
function shape_gradients_and_values!(gradients::GAT, values::SAT, ip::IP, ξ::Vec) where {IP <: Interpolation, SAT <: AbstractArray, GAT <: AbstractArray}
@boundscheck checkbounds(gradients, 1:getnbasefunctions(ip))
@boundscheck checkbounds(values, 1:getnbasefunctions(ip))
@inbounds for i in 1:getnbasefunctions(ip)
gradients[i], values[i] = shape_gradient_and_value(ip, ξ, i)

shape_value(ip::Interpolation, ξ::Vec, i::Int)
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/test_cellvalues.jl
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@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@testset "CellValues" begin
for (scalar_interpol, quad_rule) in (
@testset "ip=$scalar_interpol quad_rule=$(typeof(quad_rule))" for (scalar_interpol, quad_rule) in (
(Lagrange{RefLine, 1}(), QuadratureRule{RefLine}(2)),
(Lagrange{RefLine, 2}(), QuadratureRule{RefLine}(2)),
(Lagrange{RefQuadrilateral, 1}(), QuadratureRule{RefQuadrilateral}(2)),
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