The Fg21Sim+
is a simulation suite in the radio domain aiming to offer a
high-resolution, high-fidelity modelling of the various foregrounds for the
21 cm signal detection.
This is the next-gen version of our fg21sim
low-frequency radio simulator.
We build the Fg21Sim+
to generate a full sky simulation map for radio
facilities like BINGO, MWA, and SKA.
The Fg21Sim+
package is under its initial realise with the following individual models:
- ESim for extragalactic discrete emission
- GSim for Galactic diffuse emission
- 21cmSim for the 21-cm signals
The model-defect simulation is an ongoing project @ Fg21Sim team
, we are happy to
release the 1st defect model:
- BlendSim for simulating blending of discrete sources
The integration of individual models into a full suite is a 2nd phase development goal. If
prefer the traditional usage with a config file. You can still use the last-gen