- Class final project_Lama_Peter_Divya
App for truck drivers (or others jobs with a competitive market Eg. programmers) looking for another job and want other truck driver recommendations (like Glass door or LinkedIn). The recommendations (or bashing) about a company should be a completed survey with included text questions.
- New users must be able to register themselves in the system.
- Users need to log in to access the system
- Users must be able to reset their password.
- New users must be able to search by keyword (normally a company name or job type) to be able to find other User Created reviews
- Users will be able to fill out a survey about a company that they have worked for.
- Survey will be on the Likert scale (strongly disagree to strongly agree) and text questions
- Users will be able to submit additional question to a specific company survey as to better represent the company
- Users will be able to post jobs that they recommend
- Should* note on the recommendation if they receive a bonus for brining in new employees
- Make a reddit style forum where users are able to create topics to talk to each other about for unionization or collective bargaining