Z Wallet is an innovative blockchain wallet designed to meet the growing demand for financial applications. This project is primarily concerned with the development and implementation of smart contract standards ERC20 and ERC721, which manage our token ZToken and our Minted NFTs .
- Connect your account to ZWallet
- Buy the Ztoken with ETH
- View wallet balances(ETH and ZTK)
- Generate NFT with IA (Hugging Face API)
- Mint the NFTs with Ztoken or ETH
- Buy and Sell NFTs with ZTK and ETH
- Ethereum
- Solidity
- Web3.js
- React.js
- Node.js
- Truffle
- Javascript
- Jest
- Node.js (version 16.15.0)
- Truffle (version 5.8.4)
- Ganache (version 7.8.0)
- Web3.js (version 1.8.2)
- Metamask browser extension
git clone https://github.com/FirasMosbahi/z-wallet.git
cd ui
open ganache choose quickstart change configuration to - port to 8545 - server id 1337 take public address of first account
go search in project for 1337 and change address to address copied from ganache places : networks in myNFT.json and ERC732.json
truffle compile
truffle migrate --network development --reset
cd ui
yarn run start
Contributions to ZWallet are welcome! If you find any bugs or want to suggest new features, please open an issue or submit a pull request.