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Tharunraj Optimus edited this page Oct 2, 2021 · 1 revision

End User Registration

  • The user must register to start authenticating services.

  • Details that will be collected while registration:

    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Email
    • User Password
  • The user will not be required to verify their email. Because, Fire Servers cannot afford email services and it trusts its users.

  • But if fire servers detect unusual activities, it will send a email to verify. Fire Servers may be mailgun for emails.


  • Registration takes place over POST on the endpoint /api/users/create
    • Required Parameters:
      • firstName: String
      • lastName: String
      • email: String
      • password: String
  • A Default Profile Picture will be generated using dicebear with the given first name and last name and will be used as the profile pic if the signup website requires a profile picture.
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