The FireCARES Harvester is a data collection application used to harvest data from the datasources over HTTP and ingested with simple transformations into a local document store.
- Python 2.7/3.4
- MongoDB
virtualenv iaff_harvester
cd iaff_harvester
source bin/activate
pip install .
All commands assume that you have your local virtualenv for this project activated and are executed from the root of the project.
celery worker -l info
harvester generate-work-template [FILENAME] # create a work definition from the default template
harvester harvester [WORK DEFINITION] # acts on work defined in the work definition
"layer": "", # reference to the layer to harvest (URL/filename/etc)
"provider": "harvester.providers.esri.RESTHarvester", # class reference to the provider to use in harvesting/extraction
"provider_parameters": { }, # kwargs to carry along for provider usage
"country": "US",
"state_province": "",
"city": "",
"stateco_fips": "00000",
"starting_chunk_size": 1000,
"id_field": "OBJECTID",
"srs": 4326,
"min_id": null,
"max_id": null,
"load_destination": "parcels", # destination collection/table/file
"load_provider": "harvester.load.mongo.GEOJSONLoader", # class reference
"load_provider_parameters": {}, # kwargs to carry along for the load provider
"extract_only": false,
"webhook": {
"done": null,
"fail": null
"pruners": [ # pruners remove entire features, can be passed kwargs via CLASS_REFERENCE:key=value,key2=value2
"transformers": [ # transformers modify a feature before insertion, can be passed kwargs via CLASS_REFERENCE:key=value,key2=value2
find . -iname "[0-9]*.json" -exec rm {} \;