Pages Coded with ASP.NET, C#, .NET Framework 4.5
Created under the Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019(Version 16.4.5)
Running with IIS 7, Application pool .NET v4.5 Classic
No need for Database.
Download or Clone from above repository link or click the link below
Download: GitHub
The system runs based on iis with Windows.
If you need to run the project under you own PC, please follow the steps below:
Step 1, enable IIS:
IIS can be enabled from the link below
or video
Address http://localhost/ can be used to check the success of installation.
Step 2, download the project with the link GitHub
Step 3, unzipped the file of
Step 4, copy all the files which have been UNZIPPED in the folder of
Step 5, paste all the copied files to C:\inetpub\wwwroot(The default folder for http://localhost/ )
Step 6, open the address http://localhost/default.aspx by browsers.
Step 7, input Tj ,C and T0, click the button of , get the result of P.
Step 8, format the data as shown in the screenshot.
Step 9, click the button of ,choose the data which had been formatted.
Step 10, click the button of , get the result of f(p).
Developed and maintained by Enci Chen, Fuyi Wei, and Le Yang