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Yield Providers

Flan edited this page Mar 25, 2021 · 5 revisions

There are a variety of world generator settings in the base game

Dense Iron Ore / Dense Gold Ore

A spherical clump of dense ore blocks surrounded by regular ore blocks as indicators


Some of the generators in this mod use cell-based distributions. This means that for every 128x128 block area (or different depending on cell size) there are between "Min Deposits" and "Max Deposits" nodes. This ensures an even distribution around the world without being constrained to a single chunk

"Dense Gold - Cell Size"=128

"Dense Gold - Min Deposits Per Cell"=1

"Dense Gold - Max Deposits Per Cell"=2

These settings are fairly self explanatory

"Dense Gold - Deposit Radius"=3

"Dense Gold - Max Height"=26

"Dense Gold - Min Height"=6

These two control the outer shell of regular ore blocks

"Dense Gold - Outer Shell Chance"=0.05

"Dense Gold - Outer Shell Radius"=6

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