The purpose of this project is to investigate the influence of phytoplankton community composition on the in situ fluorescence signal. The phytoplankton community composition is evaluate through HPLC data.
- Argo Floats Output - all data needed for argo fluo vs hplc analysis
- Boussole - all data needed for the boussole analysis
- Longhurst - Longhurst bioregion data
- Raw HPLC Argo - raw HPLC from BGC argo campaign
- absorption - data for absorption analysis
- abs_data - Exploration of aphy dataset (deprecated)
- aphy_boussole_shaping - Shaping of the raw boussole dataset
- argo_table - format argo ncdf into tabular data
- bouss_acp - create ACPs from Boussole HPLC/Fluo data
- bouss_merge - merge abs and pig data at Boussole
- bplr_pig - format pigments from bplr region
- cluster_abs - create clusters from absorption data (deprecated)
- data_viz - some exploration (deprecated)
- glo_aphy_viz - compute a barplot of absorption data from the aphy dataset
- hplc_shaping - format hplc raw data
- match_dist - match hplc and argo unsupervised
- match_onebyone - match hplc and argo, float by float, best to use
- merge - matchup visualization
- new_merge - complete the bgc/hplc matchup
- plot_profiles - function to plot profiles
- read_hplc - function to read raw HPLC xsls data
- region_plot - compute figures of argo/hplc dataset
- soclim - exploration on soclim campagne data (deprecated)
- soclim_abs - exploration on soclim campagne data (deprecated)
- table_pigment - create a table of pigment and absorption
- ternary_diagramm - visualisation of the slope factor in a ternary diagram
- zeu_moma - function to compute Zeu
The different figures for the analysis.
- Figures 1 and 8 are computed from region_plot.R script
- Figure 2 is computed from ternary_diagram.R script
- Figure 3 and 4 are computed from bouss_acp.R script
- Figure 5 is computed from glo_aphy_viz.R script
- Figure 6 and 7 are computed from bouss_merge.R script
- If you have any question you can contact me on my github profile or at [email protected]