With this library you can easily implement routing in your PHP application, and it's insanely fast!
To install with composer:
composer require kito92/epicroute
Requires PHP 5.3+.
A simple file setup is located under 'example' directory. Here's a basic usage example:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$route = \EpicRoute\Route::getInstance();
$route->get('/', function(){
echo 'response';
Available methods are the following:
$route->get('/...', function(){ /*...*/ });
$route->post('/...', function(){ /*...*/ });
$route->put('/...', function(){ /*...*/ });
$route->patch('/...', function(){ /*...*/ });
$route->delete('/...', function(){ /*...*/ });
Here's how you can match a variable:
$route->get('/users/:name', function($name){
echo 'Welcome back ' . $name;
and in this way you can match only numeric value:
$route->get('/users/:id{[0-9]*}', function($id){
echo 'user id ' . $id;
To match all the sub-URLs you can add the "+" at the end of a variable's name:
$route->get('/:slug+', function($paths){
This will match /any/route/you/goes
, and the variable $paths
is an array which contains
the subfolder requested.
Remember that, for the same base url, if you have multiple regex route and a generic one, you HAVE to declare first those who have a regex, than the generic one, or the router will serve always the generic. You can call several methods through the fluent interface. So, for example:
$route->get('/users/:id{[0-9]*}', function($id){ /*...*/ })
->get('/users/:name', function($name){ /*...*/ })
You can define your custom middleware implementing the \EpicRoute\Middleware interface:
class CustomMiddleware implements \EpicRoute\Middleware{
* This method will be executed before the routing
* @return mixed
function before(){
// TODO: Implement before() method.
* This method will be executed after the routing
* @return mixed
function after(){
// TODO: Implement after() method.
and you can associate to a route in this way:
$route->get('/', function(){
echo 'home';
}, ['middleware' => CustomMiddleware::class]);
If you want to set a middleware to a group of routes, you can declare a group of view:
$route->group(['middleware' => CustomMiddleware::class], function () use ($route){
$route->get('/users/:id{[0-9]*}', function ($id){
echo 'user id ' . $id;
$route->get('/users/:name', function ($name){
echo 'Welcome back ' . $name;
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.