This document provides a concise explanation of how content is created on Coderpower. It should also help developers understand the processes behind the scenes of the coderpower platform to evaluate code submissions.
Exercises on Coderpower can be Discoveries, Practices or Challenges.
- Discovery: An exercise that show, by example, how a library, framework, SDK, API, or design pattern works. It provides an initial code that can be tweaked by developers.
- Practice: An exercise that allows developers to explore a subject helping them to understand the concept through practice. Developers can try to solve exercises as many times as they like.
- Challenge: An exercise where developers compete against each other to solve a problem. They are assessed on two criteria.
- Ranking:
- a base score: ( X ),
- a bonus score: ( Y ),
- a bonus time: ( T )
- 1st participant finding the solution wins 100% of X
- 2nd participant wins 80% of X
- 3rd wins 70% of X
- 4th wins 60% of X
- 5th and next win 50% of X
- Time: For those who find the solution in less than T, we’ll apply the % of T consumed, to Y and add it to their score.
- Ranking:
Exercises on Coderpower are not more than repositories. The creation process is just a clone of the repository on the server. Then we parse some key information like the written tests,, and the meta.json (we will talk about this one in the next section).
Behind the scenes, Coderpower validates participations by running tests. We have specific testing frameworks regarding the requirements for each language.
For the python language we use unittest.
You can use any assertion/mocking library you like but don't forget to add it to your requirements.txt
Note: at Coderpower we like to use :
For performance purposes all codes that take more than **3 seconds** to run will be **killed**. You need to take this into account when you design your test suites, especially for asynchronous code.
- unittest
pip3 install unittest2==1.1.0
In order to import a repository into the Coderpower platform you need to provide some information.
: The readme will be parsed and taken as the subject of your exercise.meta.json
: The file describes which sources will be editables by the developers. Here is an example :
"editables": [
Here we tell to Coderpower this exercise allows the file
located in ./sources/
(path must be relative to the root directory) to be edited by the developers.
We will then ensure that written tests still pass after developers submit their changes to the files.
In this section, we will describe the content of this exercise, as an example for creating your own future content.
The repository contains:
Here, the sources folder contains all the files needed to make the tests pass.
def addition(a, b):
if isinstance(a, int) is not True or isinstance(b, int) is not True:
return 'NaN'
return int(a) + int(b)
Here, the test file contains all the tests that will validate the sources.
import unittest
import sources.addition as code
class Test(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
def test_a_isNaN(self):
a = 'p'
b = 32
result = code.addition(a, b)
self.assertEqual(result, 'NaN')
def test_b_number(self):
a = 2
b = 5
result = code.addition(a, b)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(result, int))
def test_c_correctResult(self):
a = 23
b = 54
result = code.addition(a, b)
self.assertEqual(result, 77)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Note: You should prefix your tests functions by a letter in alphabetical order to respect tests orders. It is useful to match the exercise validation steps defined in Coderpower.
As good practice, we ignore the pycache folders.
The meta.json file tells where the editable files are.
"editables": [
Note: You don't need to make all sources editable. It can be only one file, maybe two. Letting developers work with existing code.
The requirements.txt describes the dependencies.
For demonstration purposes we used the
to explain how the content creation works, but in real cases, the
would look like this:
# Addition
You will receive two numbers as parameters and the function has to return the addition of both.
If one of the parameters cannot be converted as a number, the function must return NaN.
If you have any questions regarding the content creation process feel free to contact [email protected].