This is my realization for test task "SPACE INVADERS". You can read full description for this task in the file
Ruby/Rails versions
- ruby ~> '2.5.1'
- rails ~> '5.2.1'
System dependencies
- postgresql 9.6
git clone [email protected]:FlintOFF/space_invaders.git
cd space_invaders
rm config/credentials.yml.enc
EDITOR=nano rails credentials:edit
cp config/database.yml.sample config/database.yml
nano config/database.yml
rake tasks:handle
rails s
git push heroku master
heroku config:set RAILS_MASTER_KEY=<your-master-key-here>
heroku run rake db:setup
- For run all tests
rails test
- For test manually over CLI on heroku:
- generate token
curl -d '{"email": "[email protected]", "password": "super_password"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST
- get task result
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json"
as result you will see positions of the targets from test task.
- generate token
- Through Swagger UI by link
This project contains next models:
- Radar - contains information about radar system, like: frame_height, frame_width, frame_symbols;
- Target - for each radar system, we need to create they own targets. You can specify next parameters: title, description, frame, kind (enemy or friend);
- Task - for recognition the targets on radar frame you need create the task. Task contain next information: radar_id, frame, results, status;
- User - contain information about the user and his role;
For authorization I use JWT. First, you need to generate JWT over endpoint '/api/tokens'. After, you need send your token over the header for each request. For example "Authorization: Bearer ".
All recognition logic was removed from path app/commands/detect_target_command.rb
and placed to GEM BinaryImageToolset.
Please take a look on the integration test test/integration/api/task_flow_test.rb
. It works with data from the test task and contains the results for it.
- Visualize results on image;
- Filtering the noise over 'median filter';
- Return unknown targets;
- Realize async work (background jobs + callback url);
- Think about upload radar frame through a file or single string;
Move recognition logic to GEM;
- Swagger do not support JWT