Gradle template project with jar signing, publishing to maven central and GitHub workflows.
You need to add the following environment variables to your file, which is located in the .gradle folder in your home directory.
# Signing properties, see
signing.keyId=<the last 8 digits of your key id>
signing.password=<your key password>
signing.secretKeyRingFile=<path to your keyring file>
# Reposilite credentials (In case you want to publish to a reposilite instance)
reposiliteUsername=<your account name>
reposilitePassword=<your account password>
# Maven central credentials (In case you want to publish to maven central)
# See
# This will also require to set up the signing properties
ossrhUsername=<your account name>
ossrhPassword=<your account password> # This is an access token nowadays
Use ./gradlew publishAllPublicationsToOssrhRepository
to publish to maven central.
Use ./gradlew publishAllPublicationsToReposiliteRepository
to publish to a reposilite instance.
Use ./gradlew publish
to publish to both.
Use ./gradlew clean build
to build the project.
- Change all mentions of
to your project name. - Change the maven coordinates in the
file. - Change the author/email in all files. (Replace
with your own name, ...) - Update the license header located in
- Update the publishing section in the build.gradle file.
- Delete the all sections between the
Setup the required environment variables
andFinal steps
sections. - Update the
How to add this to your project
section to only mention the repositories you are publishing to.
I wanted to have a template project for my own projects, which I can use to quickly start a new project.
If you encounter any issues, please report them on the issue tracker. If you just want to talk or need help with BaseProject feel free to join my Discord.
To use BaseProject with Gradle/Maven you can use Maven Central or Lenni0451's Maven.
You can also find instructions how to implement it into your build script there.
If you just want the latest jar file you can download it from the GitHub Actions or use the Release.