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fConsole.js v1.1.1 - For touch devices and desktop browsers

A simple plugin that you can use to display the values from JavaScript, HTML, CSS. Very useful for touch devices and desktop browsers.

  • useful for environments who lack of a console eg. (mobile, tables - browsers) as well for desktop browsers
  • you can dragg the console around the browser (works on touch devices too)
  • you can resize the console (works on touch devices too)
  • you can run JavaScript code from fConsole and see the results by pressing Enter Key or Exec button
  • will log all JavaScript errors
  • on desktop browsers use "UP" or "DOWN" keys to access typing history
  • you can clear/minimize the console
  • available keyboard shortcuts:
    • alt + c - Open fConsole
    • alt + x - Close fConsole
    • alt + z - Minimize fConsole
    • alt + d - Clear fConsole
  • available inline commands:
    • type /? or /help - will show all avaiable commands
    • type /cls or /clear - Clear fConsole
    • type /m or /min or /minimize - Minimize fConsole
    • type /c or /close - Close fConsole
  • general Help Functions
    • you can access them like fConsole.fn.

How to use this plugin

  • Direct usage - will use default options
    $(document).ready(function () {
        fConsole.log("Hello!"); //simple message
        fConsole.log("Hello!", null, "#00FF00"); //message with custom BgColor
        fConsole.log("Hello!", null, "#00FF00", "#000"); //message with custom BgColor and TextColor
        fConsole.log(function() { return; }, 1000); //message in realtime - get time stamp at one second interval
  • New object - using default options
    $(document).ready(function () {
        //init console
        myConsole = new fConsole({
            hideHeader: false, //if is true - will disable draggable option
            hideFooter: false, //if is true - will no longer be able to run Javascript code
            className: null, //if is set - you can control the console from CSS - all inline style will be removed
            width: "250px",
            minWidth: 0,
            maxHeight: "250px",
            position: "bottomLeft", //topLeft | topRight | bottomLeft | bottomRight
            draggable: true,
            opacity: 1,
            fontSize: "12px",
            fontFamily: "monospace",
            theme: "default", //default | clasic | light
            logJSErrors: true, //will log JS errors
            zIndex: 2147483647
        //myConsole.log method parameters
            //  first param - a string
            //  second param - interval - set in miliseconds
            //  third param - row background color
            //  four param - row text color
    myConsole.log("Hello!"); //simple message
    myConsole.log("Hello!", null, "#00FF00"); //message with custom BgColor
    myConsole.log("Hello!", null, "#00FF00", "#000"); //message with custom BgColor and TextColor
    myConsole.log(function() { return; }, 1000); //message in realtime - get time stamp at one second interval


  • Change fConsole Settings like this

    $(document).ready(function () {
        myConsole = new fConsole();
        myConsole.reloadSettings({ theme: "default" });
        myConsole.reloadSettings({ width: "100%", minWidht: 0 });
    	Help Functions
    $(document).ready(function () {
        fConsole.fn.isNumeric("123"); //will return true
        fConsole.fn.isNumeric("123$%"); //will return false
        fConsole.fn.isInt(123); //will return true

Change log

  • v1.1.1 - 19 December, 2017
    • [FEATURE] – add new method fConsole.fn.copyToClipboard()
    • [FEATURE] – add new method fConsole.fn.getNumberOrdinal()
    • [FEATURE] – add new method fConsole.fn.isiOS()
    • [FEATURE] – add new method fConsole.fn.isAndroid()
    • [BUG FIXED] – fixed fConsole.fn.hexToRgb() - thanks to Huambo
    • [BUG FIXED] – fixed fConsole.fn.getCurrentDate() - thanks to Huambo
    • [BUG FIXED] – fixed minimize action
    • [BUG FIXED] – fixed fConsole.fn.generateGUID()
    • [BUG FIXED] – general code improvement - thanks to Huambo
  • v1.1 - 24 July, 2016
    • [FEATURE] – add clear button into header
    • [FEATURE] – add resize functionality to make the resize more easy
    • [FEATURE] – add inline commands. Type in fConsole "/?" or "/help" to see them
    • [FEATURE] – minimize console by pressing "ESC" key, press again to close it
    • [FEATURE] – add lots of methods that may help you. Click here to see them
    • [BUG FIXED] – fixed the eval js method
    • [BUG FIXED] – general code improvement
  • v1.0 - 11 January, 2016
    • initial release


fConsole.js - For touch devices and desktop browsers






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