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payment and invoice module

Getting started

Take clone of project and execute following commands

$ cd OB_payment_and_invoice
$ npm install
$ npm start

now open your browser and pointed to this url: http://localhost:3030/payment


We are providing three payment gateway services (stripe,, paypal) for payment.user can use any of them for payment.



User can use stripe payment service by passing client id and client secret in authorization header.

  • generate client id and client secret
  • pass client id secret in authorization header

    x-api-token: "your secret key"

create payment

json body:

	"customerId":"customer id",
	"amount":"provide amount",
	"currency":"currency code",
	"description":"description of post"

update payment

json body:

	"chargeId":"charge id",
	"description" : "update description",
			"city":"provide city",
			"country":"country code"
		"name":"your name"

get payment

  • Get all charge data for customer using customerId. Pass the query params

  • Get perticular charge data by chargeid


refund payment

  • create

    • Create a fully refund for particular charge by giving chargeId and whole amount
     	"chargeId":"charge id(ex. ch_1AyzaRGMQxjcIs4EK8fuMJ2l)",
     	"amount":"provide amount (ex.100)"
    • Create a partialy refund for particular charge by giving chargeId and some amount
     	"chargeId":"charge id(ex.ch_1AyzaRGMQxjcIs4EK8fuMJ2l)",
     	"amount":"partial amount(ex.100)"
  • update

    • Updates the specified refund by setting the values of the parameters passed
        "id": "refund id(ex.re_1Ax9amGMQxjcIs4EV9babkAu)",
        "metadata": {
  • get

    • Retrieves the details of an existing refund by giving refund Id

    • Returns a list of all refunds you’ve previously created

    • Returns a list of all refunds that previously created giving limit and pagination




user can use payment service by passing client id and client secret in authorization header.

  • generate client id and client secret
  • pass client id secret in authorization header

    x-api-login: "API LOGIN ID"

    x-api-token: "TRANSACTION KEY"

Payment for existing customer

json body:

	"amount":"provide amount",
	"customerId":"your customer id",
	"customerPaymentProfieId":"your customerPaymentProfieId",

Payment for random customer

json body:

	"amount": "provide amount",
 	"cardNumber":"your card number",
 	"expMonth":"expiration month",
 	"expYear":"expiration year",
 	"cvc":"your cvv number",
  • create a fully refund for particular payment by giving sale id and whole amount

json body:

	"saleid":"your sale id.(ex.14J21811R910183D)",
	"amount": {
    	"total": "total amount",
    	"currency": "currency code.(ex.USD)"

refund payment

  • Create a fully refund for particular payment by giving transaction id and whole amount

json body:

		"amount":"fully amount",
		"refTransId":"Merchant-assigned reference ID",
    	"payment": {
    		"creditCard": {
        		"cardNumber": "credit card number",
            	"expirationDate": "XXXX"
  • Create a partially refund for particular payment by giving transaction id and some amount

json body:

		"amount":"partial amount",
		"refTransId":"Merchant-assigned reference ID",
        "payment": {
			"creditCard": {
            	"cardNumber": "credit card number",
                "expirationDate": "XXXX(ex."



user can use paypal payment service by passing client id and client secret in authorization header.

  • generate client id and client secret
  • pass client id secret in authorization header

    x-api-login: "your client id"

    x-api-token: "your client secret"

create payment

json body:

	"intent": "sale",
  	"payer": {
    	"payment_method": "credit_card",
    	"funding_instruments": [{
      		"payment_card": {
        		"type": "",
         		"number": "your card number(ex.4242424242424242)",
          		"expire_month":"expiration month(ex.11)",
        		"expire_year": "expiration year(ex.2018)",
       			"cvv2": "cvv number(ex.111)",
        		"first_name": "first name",
        		"last_name": "last name",
        		"billing_country": "country code",
        		"billing_address": {
          			"line1": "address",
          			"city": "your city",
          			"state": "state code (ex.OH)",
          			"postal_code": "postal code",
          			"country_code": "country code (ex.US)"
  	"transactions": [{
    	"amount": {
      		"total": "transaction amount",
      		"currency": "currency code.ex.USD",
      		"details": {
        		"subtotal": "subtotal amount",
        		"tax": "tax charge",
        		"shipping": "shipping charge"
    	"description": "This is the payment transaction description"

get payment

  • get all payment data

  • getpayment data with limitation by count

  • get particular payment data by payment id


refund payment

  • create a fully refund for particular payment by giving sale id and whole amount

json body:

	"saleid":"your sale id.(ex.14J21811R910183D)",
	"amount": {
    	"total": "total amount",
    	"currency": "currency code.(ex.USD)"
  • create a partial refund for particular payment by giving sale id and amount

json body:

	"saleid":"sale id.(ex.14J21811R910183D)",
	"amount": {
    	"total": "partial amount",
    	"currency": "currency code.(ex.USD)"