GeometricFlux v0.6.0
- Rewrite graph network
and message passingMessagePassing
framework - Expand functionality of FeaturedGraph to support
- Speed up ChebConv layer
- Speed up scatter functions
- Add graph index-related functions
- GCN example works and increase training stablility
- Fix show GCNConv
- Add more test for linear algebra
- Update cpu scatter benchmark plot and scripts
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Try to fix GAT example by split utility dependency for SimpleGraph and SimpleWeightedGraphs (#45) (@ilancoulon)
- Improve CPU scatter performance (#56) (@yuehhua)
- Ignore gradient of generate_cluster (#57) (@yuehhua)
- Fix reference bug (#60) (@yuehhua)
- Rewrite GraphNet and MessagePassing framework (#63) (@yuehhua)
- GCN example works again (#64) (@yuehhua)