This is tech blog of Flying Rat development team built on amazing Jekyll site generator (including nice Minimal Mistakes theme!) and hosted by Github Pages 🙌
Just create a new .md
file and place it to /_posts/
folder. Then fill required meta information like date
or title
and - of course - your amazing blog post text! 😎
After merging PR to main
branch - Github Pages will automatically build and deploy new version of the blog 🚀
As this blog is based on Jekyll - various parts of it can be modified and changed, feel free to make changes and submit PR!
Following tools needs to be installed on your development machine:
- Ruby
- Tested with Ruby 3.2.* on Windows WSL installed using asdf
Do not use Ruby 3.3.* as it's not supported by Github Pages yet
If you want to start local environment just use following:
bundle install # Install all dependencies see Gemfile for more
bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload # Starts local HTTP server with live reload enabled