This is the codebase for the project
It uses Python (2.7+) and Flask for the Back end The front end is using bootstrap, jQuery UI
If you want to contribute, make a fork of the project make your changes and then make a pull request. If everyone starts merging to the master it will be a complete mess :D
Ensure you have Python 2.7.X installed, mac and linux usually come with it preinstalled I think.
Windows users will also need the following runtime:
Once you have python installed, you will need to install some packages
Open a command prompt/terminal and install the following depenencies
pip install flask
pip install Flask-Security
pip install peewee
pip install flask-peewee
Then you can download the zip file here and unzip it anywhere:
Or if your are familiar with git, just clone the repository to your machine
Then open a command prompt/terminal, navigate to there the project is and run the following command
This will start the server. By default you should be able to connect to it on For now, it's populating a lot of dummy data so it will take a while for the page to load. This is just something I have done so there is data to work with and will be addressed soon.