This is a repository for the WASP XL Extruder assembly for ABB 2400 - ATI 9120 tool changers developed in Form and Matter (ForMat) Lab at the Pennsylvania State University by Özgüç Bertuğ Çapunaman and Alale Mohseni.
├── Arduino/
│ └── ForMatLab_WASPExtruderEoAT_v1.ino # Arduino code for the project
├── CAD/
│ ├── Electronics/
│ │ └── Electronics Box.3dm # Rhino model for the Electronics box
│ │
│ ├── EoAT/
│ │ └── EoAT.3dm # Rhino model for the EoAT component
│ │
│ └── Tank/
│ └── Tank .3dm # Rhino model for the 5L Material Tank component
├── assets/ # Additional assets for the
└── # This file, describing the project and its structure