ImageStitcher is a set of classes and functions to stitch (concatenate tiled arrays), flat-field correct, and background-subtract image rasters. It is primarily intended for use with images generated via Fordyce lab RunPack, but is also capable of stitching arbitrary multi-dimensional Micromanager-generated .ome.tif stacks. Basic logging is provided for convenience.
- StitchingSettings: High-level class for management of general stiching settings and flat-field correction images/parameters
- RasterParams: A struct-like class for raster acquisition parameter handling
- Raster: An image raster class. Tile images stored in memory or as references.
- RasterSet: An un-ordered collection class for arbitrary Raster objects.
- RasterGroup: A general raster superclass to handle associated (grouped) rasters.
- FileHandler: A generic file handling class for basic folder traversal and (future) handling of various image storage schema (for MicroManager support, for example)
- BackgroundImages: A simple class for handling "Background" images and execute background subtraction